View Full Version : Hi Health anxiety

19-03-09, 18:09
Hi Ive just found this site and I cant believe there are people that feel exactly the same as me!!
Im 32 and have just been advised by my doctor that I have anxiety disorder. I think Ive had it for years but people just laughed and thought I was someone who overreacted, and I just went along with it. Since Ive had children (6years ago) Ive got so much worse. Its generally about (mainly mine and my kids) health but also I panick about things like driving (havent let it stop me yet though). Things have come to a head now as on two occassions in the last 6 months I have convinced myself my aches and pains are breast cancer or a chest tumour. My doctor has been really sympathetic. She has prescribed anxiety medication this week but it just made me feel sick and have headaches. So today she is referring me to counselling at the surgery and CBT. These past few weeks have been horrendous, Ive had panic attacks, shaking and crying...etc
I feel kinda relieved that my doctor has seen something is wrong, even if it is in my head. I found this site whilst searching for a local yoga class, am gonna try anything to learn to relax. Am also hoping to have an indian head massage this weekend too, to try and help clear these headaches.
Well enough about me. Looking forward to chatting and getting some tips...

19-03-09, 18:21
I am 32 also. I can relate to your situation, i have some of those exact pains, even in my chest..and the only thing is i have never seen a doctor for it...I seen a doctor once, and he put me on depression pills without even checking me out or my symptoms, so now i am scared to even tell them anything, its hard to get someone or to tell someone because they may think your crazy.. So i am totally understanding where you are coming from, i am just glad you found someone that understands you..

So good luck on here, hope you find the help you need...

19-03-09, 19:37
Hi there and :welcome: to the site a lot of good advice and support on here, it helps a lot, the chatroom is very good as well, take care xx

19-03-09, 22:46

What you are describing is classic anxiety. You have gone about it the right way by seeking help from your GP. The CBT should help, also Yoga and perhaps some exercise. You will learn about relaxation and slowing down your breathing (in fact, you could start doing that now). It will all help.

22-03-09, 11:40
Hi Nic, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

22-03-09, 23:49
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx