View Full Version : Constipation and SEVERE bloating

19-03-09, 18:15
Last year I got taken into hospital with faecal impaction and had to get an enema and was kept overnight.

I've never really paid much attention to my bowl movements but recently I just can't seem to pooh on my own. For a few weeks to be honest And I have bought over the counter laxaitves in the past and the only way in the past that I can pooh is by takin coffee sometime but I haven't touch coffee because I thought it was giving me cystitus.

Now I am sooooo swollen it's insane. If I stand up I feel like I am going to be sick,sore back,my legs are sore,right under my groin at my buttcheeks even feel swollen and yes,I went to the doctors and she says that she thinks it's cos I was on 2 lots of antibiotics and it's knocked me haywire but why did it happen last year too and now again, and my rectum feels swollen aswell and... My head is away with it again. My doc keeps thinking I'm fine..which reassures me for a little while now I'm back going crazy again.

I haven't been diagnosed with ibs and I'm not getting tests for it and I don't think the doctor wants to test me for anything which I don't understand.

I feel like I am getting neglected or something and that I've just to suffer.


When I have had diaorreah with the laxatives and solution-yellow watery mucous, the bloating sort of lessens but the swelling is still there.

Does anyone else get this? Severe bloating with the constipation? I keep getting random cramps that I'm gonna "go" then as soon as I get to the toilet nothing happens. :(

Someone help me before I end up having a day of being at the docs and the hospital in the same day :'( xxx

19-03-09, 21:08
I'm never going to be happy :'(

19-03-09, 22:20

I have always suffered with this and did used to take dulcolax every couple weeks (thats how long I wouldnt go for!) Now I take Movicol daily and that keeps me ticking along. It sounds like you have a lazy bowel, which basically means its not contracting as it should...strong laxatives can make this worse, so a gentle everyday solution is much better.

Have you ever had a colonic? I had one a few years ago and am going to go for another soon, they will tell you if there is anything wrong and it well and truly clears you out!!

When I am constipated, I have loads of gas, bloating and stomach pains and joint pains. At the end of the day if your bowels are full and you arent emptying them its toxic waste and this can have a massive effect on how you function and will cause many symptoms...this is normal in constipation as your bowels are getting too full.

Try to get it under control with a gentle stimulant, I now go everyday and its such a relief.:blush:


20-03-09, 13:45
Thanks for the kind worse sweetys, I'm just not good at all.

I had an exam and just sat in it writing my doc a whole a4 back to back letter of everything so I pretty much failed that. :'(

I went to toilet in college and when I peed,and wiped my bum I got a bit of my back passage and there was a bit that looked streaked pink. :'(


20-03-09, 17:03
You're not dying dear. You're not dying. Drink warm water with a bit of lemon first thing in the morning for at least a week, BEFORE breakfast. I also get severe bloating with constipation. If i don't go for more than 2 whole days, I feel like I've gained 10 lbs in my lower belly and I just feel icky.

You're gonna be ok hun. You're not dying.

21-03-09, 12:28
I had blood in my pooh this morning and weird yellowy and brown diarroeah.

Just pulp.Nothin solid.

I only have 3 days left of laxatives( senna gentle) and lactulose solution bottle is nearly done.. and my bowel still aren't normal. it feels like my rectum is swollen shut or something.

I wish I could relax. Thanks for the lovely words yanks and snodrp :)

I just feel icky icky icky

21-03-09, 16:18
fresh blood? i've had yellowy and brown diarrhea with some pulpy mucousy fleshy stuff before...i've also has blood in there before. One time there was this really weird...hard to explain...pinkish fleshy looking skin thing in there and i was convinced i had some flesh eating virus or something going on. LOL

Don't force your body to do something hun. Give it time. We all get constiptated sometimes...one time I didn't go for 4 days. It was pretty bad. When I did go, there was blood. Laxatives and stool softners cause diarrhea so dont even worry about it. and your rectum is not swollen shut!

give it a few days. your stools will be back to normal. are you eating normally? The stress is probably messing with your system too. acid, stress, anxiety, laxatives...it screws things up.

21-03-09, 18:52
I've been trying to eat yes but I'm not a big eater..sometimes..

I have eating problems but been trying to recover recently. But yes I have been trying to eat healthily but I dunno.

I just had a movement there..diarreah and it feels like there's a really big bit right at my rectum that wants to come out but when I'm poohing it's liquidy stuff streaming from the middle of it and it BURNS.

I'm sat here and it feels like I have pooh sticking out my bum not joking. But I wont push it out. :( I'm scared it's blocked and I have colon cancer.

When I pooh also...the sweeling and pain doesn't go away :'( which is what should happen I think when people have ibs.

21-03-09, 20:53
Hi Wee Mee :hugs:

omg, you are describing the exact things that I feel!!

I've always had 'issues' in the poo department -- my mum told me that when I was a baby the nurse told her to put vaseline up my bum because I got constipated! :scared15:

I'm 25 now, and since I can remember I've had problems with being really bloated. Some days I look pregnant because I'm that swollen :huh: And its really painful. I don't have a good bowel habit, somertimes I don't 'go' for 10 days at a time, and if I do manage to pass anything, its tiny pebbles, or resemles a lump of clay, and I don't feel any relief. Oftentimes I get mucus in the stools, of a yellowy-orange colour. Today I've had a bad bowel day and felt really uncomfortable and all day have felt like I really need to go, but haven't been able to until a couple of hours ago. I hate it :mad: The thing I worry about is my lack of appetite and my weight loss :unsure:

Its taken me years, and being fobbed off by a lot of different gps, but the new doctor at my local health centre is taking me seriously, both with my anxiety/depression and now my bowels (finally!), I'm due for a blood test to do a coeliac (sp) screen, and something else but I can't quite make out the handwriting, but I shall ask the nurse when i get the test done.

I just wanted you to know you're not alone, sweets :hugs: If you ever need to chat then feel free to contact me :)

21-03-09, 21:46
I really feel for you. It must be awful. Have you thought of seeing another gp or asking her to refer you to a consultant? You have a right to ask for this.
You really should not be left to suffer as you are and should be getting tested and told what is going on. Please go back to your gp and be insistent that you want referring and you want some definite answers because you should not have to be left as you are. It would drive me mad!
Have you been told it is IBS or anything like that?
Dont automatically assume blood when passing bowel movements is normal - sometimes it can be due to straining, internal piles, fissures etc, but also sometimes there are other reasons. I am not trying to scare you here and I am sure it is harmless but just demand that tests are done to find out what is going on so at least you know what is the problem.
Hope you feel a lot better soon.

21-03-09, 22:24
Hi, well you poor thing you. Now listen, just wanted to tell you what happened to me , March 13th last year i had a knee operation and after the op i was given co codalmol i did,nt know it at the time but this made me consitpated. By the 18th of march i ended up in good hope hospital where they thought , well i,m not really sure what they thought as july , sept, and finally in november i ended up in there again sent home with movacol, Soooo fed up with it all my husband decided to send me private, i had a ct scan which reveled a rather large cysit on my ovary. Now i,m not saying this is what youhave but i would ask for a c.t. scan and take it from there. My symtoms were the same as you. I ,d been taken boscopan for ibs too. I found sprinkling bran on everything helped. and a glass of pure orange with hot water that really does help. Any way try these things they will help you a simple scan saved me . x

22-03-09, 14:31
Thankyou very much for the advice honey. I'm sorry you've been through this hell also.

What did they do with the cyst??

I had been giving movical last year also with faecal impaction!! That stuff was gross and it STILL didn't really work until TWO weeks later when I had a cup of coffee and all hell broke loose.

I am very scared. It feels like there's pooh sitting at the base of me. But I'm worried about the pains and stuff.

When I walk about for about ten minutes,it feels like I'm getting period pains but I am not due for another 2 weeks.

*sighs* Deary me. :'( There are only two docs at my practice..the lady one whom I have been seeing about all this and a guy one..but I don't want to talk to him about all this stuff. And I had been at nhospitial with pains and they said they thought it was a urine infection...although I told them it wasn't sore when I peed or burned or peeing alot. :/

I just feel I'm getting flip flopped about and dunno who to go to. And I'm not getting any better and I can't afford to go private. :(


22-03-09, 16:05
Your symptoms are just like mine,especially the period pain bit.Thats what mine feels like at times.Iv had scans in the past ect and it showed nothing up.:hugs:

22-03-09, 18:44
My doc didnt want to give me tests for fear it would heighten my anxiety but not getting them is making me worse..but then if I do get them I'll be freaking.

She said she would send me to a gyno but that could take months and I'm freaking that if something is really wrong it might be too late. I can't get thoughts away from my head :'(

22-03-09, 21:10
With my cysit , it gave me so much bother they removed it , in fact i had a total historectomy.

22-03-09, 23:09
I think it is anxiety and constipation luvvy,same as me.I know we worry our selves silly.I had tests years ago now allsorts,all came back ok.I only realised the last few years that its anxiety,stress ect.I still worry when I get the pains,but Im still here and have never been admitted to hospital because of it.

Im no good on giving advise,as Im in the same boat.Especially after all this cancer advertising.But I do not what your going through.:hugs: