View Full Version : Awaiting results....a nightmare.

19-03-09, 18:34
It's been a week since I had a lung biopsy, and as this week has progressed, my stress levels have gone through the roof.
My appointment with the Consultant is only on 1st April, but she will call me if she has any news before that. She also wants me to have another scan but only in a few weeks when the biopsy site has healed, so as to not give false poitives.
This is so awful, because either way I have to get a phone call or a letter. Every time the phone rings my heart leaps, I feel constantly sick from worry.
I'm taking my meds, am too afraid of missing a call at home, carry my mobile around between my boobs and would really appreciate any coping ideas which would make this easier.
What a nightmare.
Pegs X

19-03-09, 18:50
Hello Peggy,

I understand how you must be feeling; waiting for results is a wretched time, far worse than the actual procedure. In the past i have asked the consultant if it would be ok for me to phone in for the results, and i have asked not to be contacted either by letter or phone, by doing this at least you have some control. My consultant was aware of my anxiety levels and was happy for me to phone his secretary - you could perhaps arrange to do it once a day. It is absolute hell isn't it. I hope you get the results back as soon as possible - meantime hope we can all help you cope. All the best Rosie :hugs:

19-03-09, 19:12
Such a worry for you i do feel for you. I know when i was waiting for the results of my mamogram i was a mess so i can well imagine how stressed you must be feeling. The only thing that helped me was keeping myself occupied as much as i could just to keep my mind off...but i know its not easy to just switch off. I hope you hear very soon so that you can put your mind at ease.
Take care hun

19-03-09, 19:20
Thank you both, Rosie and Lesley.
What a good idea to contact the Secretary, I think I'll do that tomorrow. Then at least I can put it aside each day. The weekends are such a relief, knowing it's highly unlikely to hear anything then!
I do try and keep as busy as possible, distraction does work. The weather down South has been fantastic this week and I even tried my hand at gardening! Not my favourite job, but anything NOT to focus on this.
Thanks a stack!
Pegs xx

19-03-09, 19:28
Hi Peggy,

I too know how you feel I had to wait on MRI results and my actual doctor phoned me about them, talk about putting the fear of God into you. I also was jumping every time the phone went because she had referred me to the neurologist as she thought an urgent operation was needed. I think that's a really good idea that Rosie has thought of wish I had, and also just keeping occupied like lesley suggested, I hope you get them sooner than later and will be thinking of you , take care xx

19-03-09, 19:29
hi peggys
when my dad had lungs xrayed they were on phone next day and
had already lined up old xrays and specialists to look at them
He was in immediately for treatment so im hoping that the long wait for you means you will be fine and theres nothing to worry about although i know the waiting about is terrible
i would try to concentrate on no news is good news
and take each day as it comes along with trying to keep yourself busy
and mind occupied and take a couple baths each day as they calm me down i even take paper in with me lol
Take care and give us the good news when it comes xxxx

19-03-09, 20:05
Thanks Kittykat and Finny!

I've tried to focus on the no-news thing, but finding it harder by the day. The long, soaky bath thing sounds BRILLIANT! I'm not one for shopping or TV but enjoy a good read and a good go on NMP...just got to stop myself from googling. I told one of the Doctors I had been googling, she reckons they, as doctors are the worst! But it's soooooo not a good idea.
Thanks for all the positive stuff.
Pegs X

19-03-09, 21:11
I think if it were bad news you would have heard already - like Finny said. They tend to be very quick if it is nasty.......
Crappy telly is a good distraction...

20-03-09, 10:29
Hiya Jojo
You always make me smile.
Thank you!

Pegs X

20-03-09, 16:43
Hi Pegs

I haven't posted on here for ages and so everyone is new to me but I know exactly how you feel. For the past 18months I have had so many tests and had to wait for the results that I have been in the same frame of mind as you for most of that time. At the moment I am waiting for the results of a full bone scan an ultrasound scan and some blood tests. last summer I had a ct scan that showed some problems and I have since been having lots of other tests. Like you I have told myself that no news is good news but experience has taught me that this is usually true but not always. I have that same fear of the post and the phone and I fluctuate between being terrified and being annoyed with myself for getting in such a state.

The one thing that really helps me is this, I know that the news might not be what I want and that will be really hard to deal with but, it is better to have the tests and get bad news as early as possible so that you stand the best chance of fixing whatever is wrong. It would be far worse to be told in six months time that if they had found whatever it is sooner then they could have done something but now it is too late.

Keeping busy helps but can be difficult. I think phoning for the results is fine but secretarys don't always give them as they are not trained and can make mistakes. I hope that you are soon given the all clear and this horrible time is over. Good luck,

20-03-09, 16:57
Hi Sheba

Thanks so much for those words of wisdom. I didn't phone today anyway. I was worried I may make or break my weekend. I know the secretary probably won't be authorised to tell me anything at all, but can possibly tell me when to expect results.
I am terrified. I don't have a clue how long these things take but my appointment is on the 1st.
I agree whole-heartedly that if something is wrong, the sooner treatment is started the better.
It's so temping to google but I am so scared of what I may find out!

How are you? You say you havn't posted for a while, are you ok?
Thanks again.

Pegs xx