View Full Version : Time to make progress

02-08-05, 02:38
Well ive been suffering from agrophobia brought on by anxiety and the dizzy feeling for nearly 3 weeks now. Ive suffered from social anxiety for a while, i think ive managed to pinpoint one of the reasons why my anxiety has got worse, ive suffered from shaky hands for a long time due to traumatic experiences in my childhood, and whenever i go shopping by the time a had packed all the shopping my adrenilin would be pumping and causing my hands to shake a little, and ive always felt that people were noticing this and thats one of the reasons why my anxiety as got worse.

My doctor prescribled me Seroxat which i understand can be a lifesaver for some people, i'm just worried about the side affects and because i suffer from Tinnitus i dont want to take anything that could make it worse. I have got the 20mg Tabs and i'm thinking of starting off on about 5mg to get my body used to it and then i'll progress upto 10mg and see how i feel.

I havent left the house more than a half a dozen times during the last few week because i'm scared of going dizzy and fainting, i'm ok if i go out on my bike, i walked through town with my g/f last week and felt unsteady but i made it back home, also on friday i went to my brothers birthday party but i had to have 2 cans of lager, i even made it across to the shop but i know that would of been the drink giving me a false sense of security.

02-08-05, 06:13
Im not really sure because im not on any medication, but I think most of the symptoms only last for the first few weeks as your body is getting used to the medication, so like you said it might be a good idea to start at a lower dose.

Hope I helped[8D]


02-08-05, 10:31
Hi, I know exactly how you feel I have social anxiety and my fear is passing out as well and I have been like this for the past 4 weeks I would say, I used to suffer from anxiety and beat it last time and I am sure im going to do it again! im sure you can do it as well. I have been pushing myself to go out and some days I dont have that feeling that im going and others days I have it big time. You have to keep focused, and I understand its hard but there is light at the end of the tunel as I have been there b4! if you need to chat then either pm me or I can speak to you on email Msn.

Take care and keep thinking positive.

02-08-05, 11:05

I have been having the same symptoms for 3 years now and only 2 weeks ago i was told by my gp that i need to use the brown paper bag technique for dizzy spells.He told me it works very well except i may feel a bit silly doing it in public.
I have the paper bag on me wherever i go but still havent used it.

Have you tried this technique at all ?


02-08-05, 13:16
**causing my hands to shake a little, and ive always felt that people were noticing this and thats one of the reasons why my anxiety as got worse.**

The reality is that this is your perception and most people will not notice and if they do - so what ? many people shake for all sorts of reasons. At least 4 medical conditions spring to mind immediately and its very unlikely anyone would comment and if they did you could respond in a number of ways depending on how you felt that day.

I can understand you being worried about the side effects of Seroxat. It is a drug that has saved millions but settling onto it and coming off it is reputedly more difficuly (if you're affected) than some of the newer SSRI's. Whilst you're on it is not generally the problem time.
Maybe discuss further with your GP.

Your fear of dizziness is making you agoraphobic which is to avoided at all costs so please read up on teh symptoms pages about he causes of teh dizziness and if you've not fainted initially you are not likely to now Also check out the breathing techniques to help prevent this dizziness starting.

How Do You Do The Breathing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4042)
Breathing.. wow (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4037)
Breathing Techniques (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4044)

Mirry - Less conspicuous than a paper bag is to cup your hands over your mouth and breathe through them - like you would if it were freezing and you were trying to warm up your mouth and nose. Its just as effective as the paper bag thing.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

11-08-05, 04:12
Well today i took a quarter (5mg) of seroxat, took me 30 minutes of looking at it to finally take it, i was so nervous of side effects, nothing drastic so far, just feel a little spaced and a little more tired than usual, i'm planning on upping it to 10mg after a week do you think thats ok? as i want to start off slowly and i'll see how i am on 10mg and then up to 15mg or 20mg which is what the tabs are. Strangely i feel a little calmer probaly because i know i'm taking something to help me now.

11-08-05, 12:36
Hi Paul,

I've had anxiety for nearly 6 years but funnily enough the dizziness has only been happening in the last two.

When it first happened I thought it was maybe my ears playing up or something, anyway I didn't like and I still dont but because I know what it is I dont let that particular symptom stop me from going out (I have many others to call on for that, lol). Think if you try your best to ignore it it will pass all the sooner of its own accord.

Regarding the shaky hands - I have a good friend who has this a lot - if I do notice it, it always strikes me as rather endearing actually, so you shake away and dont give it another thought (no-one else will).

Love Piglet :D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.