View Full Version : dizziness/light headed feeling

19-03-09, 20:23

Did not have a very good day today. I have started feeling dizzy more often but today at work was sat talking to work collegaues and all of a sudden went really hot, dizzy, my eyes were blurry and could not focus. I was also shaking and felt like my insides were shaking. even now writing this I am getting a weird head rush and feeling like i am going to pass out.

Is this all normal for anxiety? feel like I have some different symptom all the time and its driving me crazy .

If anyone feels like this how do you cope with this?

20-03-09, 13:53
Hi hun,I get things like that too when I'm anxious or stresed.. I sometimes get accomanied by a weird buzzing sensation in my head and loud pulsing.

I get different symptoms in different states of anxiety so I dunno what's real or not anymore. :'(

If I get dizzy or that I tend to try and just stand still or sit for a sec and try focus my eyes on one solid object..moving objects when you're dizzy as you prob know just adds to the panic and confusion. xxx

20-03-09, 16:15
Thanks the reply wee mee. I have had an mri scan done today for numbness in face/arms/legs was ref'd for that ages ago. So hoepfully if comes back clear can then start to get a grip of everything. Also really keen to get CBT started just waiting for it to start!!

I have always been known to go dizzy when not eaten for a while and would use to eat/drink something sugary and then be on my way but now everything is much worse and when go dizzy it scares me. But is same with every anxiety symptom I have.

Hope u doing ok xxx

20-03-09, 18:14
hey tink,please dont worry, i hav had my anxiety for 30yrs and those symptoms you explained i hav had wiv it for 30yrs and i am still here to tel the tale i noticed wen i do get those symptoms i am normally very tensed within my body and holding myself rigid, so i just relax the best i can and the symptom seems to go as quick as it came, you r probably stressing over the mri which is understandable,plz try and stay calm, easier sed than dun i know, it will pass soon, keep in touch.x

20-03-09, 23:25
cheers hampton girl. What you have said is exactly what happens. It happened tonight and was really tense like waiting for it to happen! I also have bad sinus which not really helping on the dizzy front.

Hope u r doing ok xxx

21-03-09, 10:29
Oh sinuses are a nightmare!

I get earache alot with them and I dunno how but ears affect balance so when these go...I justend up on the floor lol.

I hope you are feeling a little better hun x

22-03-09, 08:24
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice and support on here, the chatroom is also very good , take care xx

22-03-09, 23:33
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx