View Full Version : High Blood Pressure/Panic/Anxiety

Danger Russ
20-03-09, 03:57
I'm new to the forum. In December last year, I had a full blown panic attack and went to the emergency room thinking it was a heart attack. However, even though my blood pressure was 190/114, the EKG was OK.

I started to monitor my blood pressure and sure enough, I really do have it. I'm 42 and my blood pressure is about 153/93 on average.

So, I'm really wondering if the high blood pressure is causing the panic attacks. However, when I take my blood pressure during one, its not really higher than normal. I keep giving myself panic attacks whenever I feel a pain in my chest or numbness in my fingers or whatever and think I'm going to die of a heart attack.

I stopped drinking coffee and things got a little better. I tried to cut out alcohol but my blood pressure goes way up if I don't drink alcohol for a few days. It is so frustrating. I want to get healthy.........Finally, if I drink more than I should, I often wake up in the middle of the night with my heart racing and a panic attack.

My question is this. Do any of you have high blood pressure and anxiety attacks? Do any of you have alcohol related anxiety problems? Do any of you medicate yourselves with alcohol to stop the panic attacks? If you have high blood pressure and suffer from anxiety, how do you keep yourself from having a panic attack if you think you are going to die of a heart attack?

I'm just interested to know how others have dealt with a situation like mine.
Thank you!
Danger Russ

20-03-09, 09:38
When i had my nervous breakdown related to my health my blood pressure rose similarly to yours.
Its been a year and a half since & my blood pressure is now back to normal> all down to controlling my fear (my health) & keeping myself occupied & this was getting a boyfriend. It just proves what stress does to your health.

My advice as a nurse is you have to stop taking your blood pressure so much there really is no need to keep taking it daily or more than daily like yourself it seems.
Doing this only makes it worse as you are constantly thinking about what it will be & yes your anxious thus making the reading inaccurate.

Why health professionals such as GP's etc recommended patients to get a blood pressure machine is beyond me when the know that people will become obsessed by it.
My suggestion is format yourself a diary where you take it the same time twice a week so mon evenings & fri mornings etc & do that for a few months then make an appointment to see your practice nurse & GP to assess the findings.

Nic x

21-03-09, 22:32

Please don't measure your own blood pressure. It will only make you worry over nothing. Blood pressure can change for all sorts of reasons and it doesn't mean anything is wrong.

The emergency room wasn't worried about it so why should you be?

Any time I get my blood pressure taken I don't ask what it is. If the doctor does medicate for it then I'm fine with that.

Cut back on the alcohol (it's only a short term solution), try relaxation, do a bit of exercise and some online CBT and you will be fine in the long run.