View Full Version : health anxiety, dizziness and tongue tingling

20-03-09, 09:47
Hi can anybody help me i have health anxiety and think the docs are all missing something coz they know i have anxiety, i am constantly dizzy,have a bloated feeling when i relax my stomach and funny sensations in my tongue like a tingling feeling like its been burnt also get the feeling that my tongue is going to stop working like its going to paralyse ,im really scared been on loads of different meds which have not worked and now im housebound nearly bedbound coz im so scared of it all ,started prozac 3 days ago, was on duloxetine before that ,venlaflaxine before that , cipralex last sept and prior to that sertraline which worked for 2 years then suddenly stopped .Please help

20-03-09, 14:17
Hi honey,I could have written the first part of your post honest to God.!!

I don't believe the docs cos I feel they are attributing EVERYTHING to anxiety. I mean how wondeful would that be if it WAS?? Everyone would never die! but yes,i too am bloated..when i relax my tum it feels like theres a bowling ball in it..my tongu is fizzy with oral thrush that is though. Do you feel pressure in your tum? I am sorry you are finding this very distressing. I'm going through a bad patch alsol :(

20-03-09, 23:12
I know you don't want to hear this, but the symptoms you both describe are CLASSIC anxiety. It sounds like the symptoms have worried you to the point where you are suffering from, or risking a dose of, depression.

The key word you use is SCARED. You have suffered physical symptoms of anxiety which may seem severe and terrifying, but they CANNOT hurt you and are 99.99999999% likely to be non-serious and non-fatal. Yeah they're scary as hell, but they are your body's NATURAL reaction to the level of anxiety you are experiencing.

PLEASE listen to your doctors -- you must stay in control and not allow your fears to rule you, your doctors are RIGHT!

Constant dizziness could indicate light-headedness brought on by hyper-ventilation, which in turn is caused by stress, anxiety or panic attacks.

Your tongue won't be paralysed or go numb and it is not possible to swallow it either -- don't worry about your tongue, it's fine and is not presenting symptoms of an illness. It is 99.9999% likely that stress or anxiety is just producing a weird symptom.

Full or fizzy or bloated or gassy stomach feelings are an absolutely CLASSIC symptom of anxiety -- this includes the feeling of swallowing a bowling ball! It does not indicate anything to worry about, but if you've been like it for a while and are losing weight cos you can't eat, speak to your doctor.

If all those different types of medication aren't working, that suggests that something is still causing you to feel like this even though you are receiving medical treatment to alter your brain chemistry -- something that the medication isn't designed to fix.

I am very certain that your own fears are this problem. Medication can be powerful, but it requires you to work with it, not against it.

Relaxtion is a difficult skill especially when you're so scared, but try reading up on it. You have nothing to fear.