View Full Version : dizziness and tingling tongue

20-03-09, 11:10
Can anyone help me i think the doc is missing something and keeps putting everything i get down to anxiety just because i do suffer from it , i feel like im dizzy all the time and have these funny sensations in my tongue like a tingling like its been burnt then i get the feeling that its going to stop working like its going to paralyze also got bloated stomach all the time when i relax my stomach i am really scared and keep getting that horrible adrenaline rush that goes right through you,ive been on loads of different medications , since last may ive been on sertraline that stopped working then cipralex that didnt work at all then venlaflaxine which made my heart tacycardicthen duloxitine which made me feel awful now 3 days ago i started fluoxetine (prozac)dont know what that will do , im housebound and nearly bedbound coz im so scared and depressed can anyone help me and let me know if anyone else has suffered these strange feelings

20-03-09, 12:43
Aww hun,

it is amazing how anx can cause so many things to our body and our minds, they do all sound anxiety related,

I developed bms..........burning mouth syndrome through my anxiety, it felt like i had scalded my tongue, i had it for months, now i just have the tingling sensation, i like you worried that it was something more serious, when i stopped worrying about it and being so anx, it calmed down.

The other thing that anx causes is probs with your stomach, again this is normal, if you think about it when you're about to do something like a driving test or something similar, its the first place we get the sensations from, fluttering stomach, cramps etc

anxiety causes symptoms that we just wouldn't believe.

If you still worry, i'd go and get a second opinion just to put your mind at rest.

di xx

20-03-09, 13:24
Thanx for that ive seen two or three docs but they were all from the same clinic and two of them were married to each other , i then start to think that they r just siding with each other also they are hoping to move to bigger premises so im now thinking they are trying to save money by not getting any tests done steph xx

23-03-09, 03:44
my tongue hurts too. it feels like a weird burning or tingling ..

23-03-09, 10:36
Can i ask how long have you had this feeling in your tongue for ?

23-03-09, 15:29
hmm a few weeks that i've noticed

23-03-09, 15:31
Have you any other symptons and do you think yours is anxiety

23-03-09, 16:31
yes i've also been extremely dizzy and nauseaus the past few months as well. it got to the point where it was affecting my work and i was staying in a lot as well. i made a deal with myself to try a gym regimen, and to absolutely force myself to ignore the symptoms (even though they've been debilatating) and try to work out and get exercise every day. in doing this, and in accepting that it's anxiety, the dizziness and nausea have been slowly lifting. but they lasted for MONTHS. the tongue thing is relatively new but when these new symptoms come up, i just ignore them now and it takes a long time but the eventually go away. hth. and yes, i know it's anxiety.

23-03-09, 16:32
when i'm working out, consistently, and very intensely - it eases the symptoms. when i stop and let myself get lazy, they flare up again.

23-03-09, 17:37
I darnt go out the house in case i get these feelings but the orrible thing is i dont feel safe at home either and i cant be left alone as i freak out coz i think im going to die alone ,im not an exerciser and have lost interest in everything and if i do get absorbed in something and i get one of my feelings then i have to stop wot im doing , and when i try to have relaxing moments and forget the feelings i get them all the more

23-03-09, 20:08
try to schedule a walking plan with music, just around your street. can you get xanax or something to keep in your pocket just in case of a panic attack? ask the doc. just having it on me usually prevents panic and anx when being outside. im not an exerciser either, but when i found it was the only way to control these feelings, i learned!