View Full Version : Can it be anxiety?

20-03-09, 14:41
Usually just looking at other peoples posts is enough to make me feel better, but Im feeling particularly panicky today:wacko:

My anxiety comes & goes in cycles & Ive been feeling better since last week. Ive been eating fine & exercising as normal. The problem is that for the past 3 weeks Ive been feeling really sore. My neck, shoulder blades & chest have been really achy & I have been having crampy feelings in my forearms & shins. I have also been having pins & needles all down my left side & my armpits are sore. I was coping with this quite well, telling myself its just anxiety, but my anxiety subsided & I kept on feeling sore. Then yesterday I put on a top which is usually tight on me, & it was really baggy. The fact Id lost weight really worried me (theres not much of me to begin with!).
I went to the doctors a few weeks back but didnt mention any of this because i knew they'd just tell me it's anxiety. Is it? Im trying to keep it under control, but I keep thinking that maybe Ive got cancer which has spread & thats why Ive lost all this weight & Im so sore:weep:

Id really love to hear from anyone else feeling the same.


20-03-09, 15:11
Hi Al

Im in a really bad way today as well, which for me is becoming regular. Butone thing I do know to be a fact is that when yourin this place you almost become just a bodily sensation on legs! if that nmakes sense. My focus is so orientatated in my body today that the slightest feeling , even a hair touching my face panicks me. I am aware of every muscle twitch , bubble in my tummy, muscle aches every thing. Infact im sure I could put my mind to even feeling my thoughts if i wanted to today. And its like the more i try to not to think about the feelings where ever my worry is directed the more I cant and I go up and down in and out of fear all day, and quite honestly its pants!

It might help you to write down. a chart, it helps me. Write down what feeling or thought triggers your worry, what thoughts it gave you , how you feel about it and rate it out of 10. Then write down a more level headed rational explanation for the feelings or worries - as many as possible. Then re- rate your feelings again after that.

It helps me feel a more in control and sane!!


House fan
20-03-09, 15:18
Hi Alex

I'm sorry to hear that you are having so many problems at the moment, but although you may feel that you have your anxiety under control, I can assure you that the 'puzzling'or'weird' symptoms you are experiencing are nothing more than sensitized nerves, expressing themselves in an exhausted body!

Although the symptoms of nervous illness are always the expression of mood, they are not always an expression of the present mood! This is why so many people fail in their attempt to free themselves from anxiety and depression. They truly accept that their symptoms are of nervous origin, but can't understand why the symptoms remain, or don't seem to be getting any better. It's this bewilderment which has the capacity to knock you right back to square one, and gets the exhausted mind working overtime again.

Please accept that your symptoms are of nervous origin, and the fact is that there is absolutely nothing organically wrong with your body! Your body is presently doing everything it should be doing, giving these circumstances. You worry, which creates tension. Tension means adrenalin, and lots of it! Too much sustained adrenalin being released always results in symptoms.

Don't try to fight it, accept the fact that at the moment you have been bluffed by some feelings. These feelings, although uncomfortable and frightening at times, are not important! They will pass, but a sensitized body will not go symptom free overnight, far from it, but if you truly accept that at this moment in time, your nerves are simply playing games with you, and that with time, these symptoms will lessen and eventually disappear.

I hope this re-assures you a wee bit.


20-03-09, 15:45
Thanks so much guys, people here always seem to know the right things to say:blush:

agent orange
20-03-09, 18:01
Hi Alex. I have had health anxiety for 7 years and I have had many symptoms. I have been checked out and there appears to be nothing organic, so believe me anxiety can cause some terrible symptoms that do not just go when the anxiety seems to subside. You think how can this be and then the viscious circle continues and that is what has happened to me. Unfortunatley chronic anxiety can cause long term physiological symptoms, even though they are not dangerous, are very unpleasant. For further reassurance check out itoldyouiwasill's post on this. I hope you feel better soon and get sorted. C.B.T therapy can be helpful too.

20-03-09, 21:23
Im back on the internet because my armpit is really sore & swollen now. Trying not to overreact. Its my birthday tomorrow & I always seem to be ill on my birthday!

Ive dipped my toes into CBT, but it seems that you have to be able to rationalise your thoughts in order to get anything out of it. Some of the stuff I panic about is totally unrationalisable:unsure:

20-03-09, 21:45
Hi Alex

Sorry your going through a tough time of it & Happy birthday for tomorrow xx

Have you shaved under your arms in the last few days? 9 times outta 10 i end up being sore with a small swelling after shaving...just a thought :)

Please try and enjoy your special day tomorrow.
