View Full Version : Arrythmia

20-03-09, 17:27
I've just spent most of the day at the Hospital, I've been having constant palpitations with skipped beats and occasional episodes of racing heart rate (only the other day I rang an ambulance because the racing heart was uncontrollable).

Anyways... went today and they caught the palpitations on the ECG, having done two today. My blood is fine apparently. The doctor gave me printouts and told me to get in touch with my GP to sort out one of those 24 hour monitors which I'm having on Tuesday.

I'm struggling to sleep at the minute, mainly because every morning I wake up and have either an episode of racing heart or this feeling that I'm going to "explode" - blood rushing to my limbs and shaking - pretty much a flood of adrenaline. Breathing techniques are not doing anything to help and I'm worried its my health.

Also after I was discharged I was too scared to go home, ended up speaking to the chaplain and almost broke down in tears :(

20-03-09, 17:45
Hi, Bless you I have been exactley where you are so many times. Does the heart racing come out of the blue or when you are already in a highly anxious state? Just wondered
You said they caught the palpitations on the ECG - thats great as if they were bad palps they would have known there and then - so think they are known as benign palpitations as there are no cause for concern even though they are an absolute nuisance and feel so horrible! and also your bloods were good, so thats great too as anything untoward would have shown up in those too. The 24 hour monitor I am sure will also show the docs the same, benign palpitations...or as I was told ectopic heartbeats(extra heartbeats). Apparently everyone gets these but only few people actually feel them (aint we the unlucky ones!!!!)
The breathing techniques you have will work, stick with them as the more worked up you get, the more you are worrying about your symptoms the more they will come as you are focusing on them. I find when I get my palps either a hard cough or icy cold drink calms them down and keeping yourself busy is a must, also really work on getting some good nights sleep as tiredness always made mine a lot worse. Perhaps some music to listen to when you go to bed as I know laying there sometimes cant help as I always hear my heart beating too....not good when you are already worrying about it! Take care:)
Angie x

22-03-09, 13:50
I ended up again in A+E with racing heart, this time much worse (still racing in the ambulance at 140) and was too scared to go home. Phoned home and my mother came to Manchester had another check up - ECG fine. I tried to accept it was anxiety and got the train back home and felt mildly anxious on a fairly long stretch of the journey but dealt with it.

Got back home and walked into town to get the bus, chest pain kicked in and got me worried and heart started racing a little. Went to A+E again and no surprise all was fine (though they picked up the sinus arrythmia). Doctor was very reassuring though and gave me paper bags to breath into.

Had my first decent nights sleep in ages, woke up and recognised the onset of a panic attack but got the paper bag out and worked a charm. I'm feeling a bit wary about getting out of bed though, and having chest pains and down one side of face intermittently (trying not to think heart or stroke issues though and not googling). Hopefully going for a walk tomorrow though, exercise is supposed to help and I need to be ready for my trip to Manchester for my 24 hour ecg thingy (which the most recent doctor reckons will be nothing to worry about).

22-03-09, 19:52
You are doing really well and I hope you continue to be strong. I am sure it is anxiety and panic, I had all of these symptoms and tests at one time. However you will get better and the next step is getting the reassurance of the Dr after the 24hr monitor... wishing you all the best and sending hugs.XXXX

23-03-09, 12:10
Thanks both :)

Woke up at 2 last night, heart wasn't racing but had cold sweats and pounding heart (which was at fairly normal rate). Rang 999 but they put me through to a nurse rather then send an ambulance and looking at it now I'm glad they did. Calmed down after an hour and went to sleep until about 8:30 and woke up with chest pain - it seems the symptoms are more intense then they were before which I find weird... I face up to them but it seems I am punished for every success.

Gonna go walk shortly I think...