View Full Version : Don't want to go back there again..HA return after starting contraceptive pill?!?!?!

20-03-09, 17:29

I can't believe I am feeling like this again - its been a while since I last did. I know I will probably suffer with HA for the rest of my life but really felt like I had gained some control over it - well now that seems to have gone right out the window!
So whats the issue you say? Well Doctor put me on Microgynon 30 contraceptive on Monday, so I have only been taking it for 4 days yet I am convincing myself that something is really wrong because of it. I keep getting a blurry left eye and bad pains in calf muscles too! My sensible side is screaming at me that surely the pill couldnt have created such bad things to occur after only 4 days - yet my HA side is saying 'oh my god, you have a blood clot on the brain/lung/DVT, your going to drop dead' I really cant stand feeling this way. I keep worrying myself sick that somethings going to happen to me whilst I am home with my son, who is nearlly 2...as I am on my own with him. Im terrified, feel exhausted from the constant worrying :weep: Blood pressure has gone up since monday too as I had to be checked to day as worried my self that much went to docs again! Monday it was 114/74 and today it was 121/88.....and that was the second reading as the first one was higher! I really need to stop this:wacko:
Angie xx

20-03-09, 17:57
Hello angie,

It is really disheartening when you have made progress, and you feel you are back at square one again. I think health anxiety can rear its ugly head again for all sorts of different reasons, often when we are under stress. I can see how the contraceptive pill could have an effect too, since it alters hormonal levels, which can have a direct effect on the way we feel. If it doesn't suit you I wouldn't hesitate twice about coming off - it just isn't worth the misery.

23-03-09, 03:36
try another pill - the first pill i took (demulen i think?) made me cry all the time. try one with a different hormone mix - look the different options up online. i take orthocyclen (not tri cyclen) and i find it very easy on my emotions.