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View Full Version : Horrible tummy bug

20-03-09, 19:38
Hav'nt posted in a long time, however, I feel I'm back to square one again!
I went down with this awful tummy bug on Tuesday which has swept through the family like wild fire. Uncontrollable D & V - yuk! not nice at all. Its left me feeling very weak and my tummy still feels delicate. My anxiety was pretty bad prior to the bug, but I was just about keeping it under control - now, it just shot through the roof again.
Why, Why, Why??? am I like this? Why am I so scared of all the bodily sensations I get. When I have my logical head on, I know its my anxiety - I've suffered with this for years on and off - read every book there is to read on the subject and still I let it get me! I get so angry with myself and yet there are times when I feel so tired of fighting it, I just get dragged down again.
My main issue at the moment is my smoking and I beat myself up about it every day. I've tried several times to kick the habit, but when I'm scared, I reach for a fag (stupid, I know). Oh God!!!
Sorry for the ramble, just had to get it all out - I'm feeling really panicky at the moment.


20-03-09, 19:50
Oh honey!!!

Know how you are feeling I just posted yesterday that I felt awful again.

If you want to chat PM me!! There really is no point in me telling you to try not to feel this way cause its something that we just cannot help feeling, the body and mind works in weird ways.

Take care hon


20-03-09, 19:55
I had an attack yesterday and beat myself up every day with every ache and pain I get I have become obsessed that I am about to pop my cloggs (excuse the pun) used to be such a happy go lucky person...no problems at home, healthy family and no stress but just keep fretting about my health this has been the trigger of all my panic attacks! and like you still keep chuffing on the fags and still knocking back the wine!!! none of which helps I know. So take some comfort from the fact that you are not alone!x

20-03-09, 20:42
aw i am the same way with my smoking. sorry to hear your sick and how being ill is making you anxious x