View Full Version : tingling leg, oh my god!!!

20-03-09, 19:48
I have had a really good week, but have just been food shopping and my right leg started feeling funny, tingling and numb, and I have been having occasional shooting pains in my right butt cheek. This has been going on for an hour now and my foot is aching now. This is a completely new symptom to me so I am now panicking as there must be somat wrong. It can't be a trapped nerve or nothing cause I hadn't been sitting down. Has anyone else had this??

20-03-09, 21:25
My whole leg is aching now, especially the lower leg, so I am really starting to panic, it is only in my right leg, how come not both? I don't know what to do, am so scared :weep:

Vanilla Sky
20-03-09, 22:46
Dont be scared, i have had this for years, its either a trapped nerve or something to do with your back which does cause numbness and tingling down your leg. You dont actually have to be doing anything for these things to start up they just do ! Go see doc to put your mind at rest, but it doesnt sound like anything sinister. I get this in my left leg and according to my physio its coming from my neck and shoulders, remember the nerves all link on to each other, stop worrying hon Love Paige x

agent orange
21-03-09, 11:01
Sciatic nerve pain? not sure which leg this affects?

21-03-09, 11:58
Sciatic nerve pain? not sure which leg this affects?

It can affect both

21-03-09, 12:59
Its nothing to worry about im sure of it, i get things like that all the time x

Pink Panic
21-03-09, 14:51

Deffo sounds like sciatica or nerve pain. I get this from time to time ever since I had a bad back injury a few years back.
Lying flat usually helps ease the pain for me or taking a painkiller.

Try not to worry as with a little rest the pain will ease off. :hugs:

Hope you feel better soon.


22-03-09, 07:39
I have had a really good week, but have just been food shopping and my right leg started feeling funny, tingling and numb, and I have been having occasional shooting pains in my right butt cheek. This has been going on for an hour now and my foot is aching now. This is a completely new symptom to me so I am now panicking as there must be somat wrong. It can't be a trapped nerve or nothing cause I hadn't been sitting down. Has anyone else had this??

This is me too, exactly the way you describe it :blush:
I hope things ease uou for you but i now the fear you feel, i have alot of it.

22-03-09, 10:29
I`m almost sure that it is linked with the sciatic nerve, which has both sensitive and motor roots. It usually affects the buttock and the leg on the same side. It doesn`t have to happen immediately after a manoeuver. I was into bodybuilding and did a lot of workout for my back muscles. 4 days after this I started to feel pain and numbness in my leg and buttock. Why there is such a delay? Simply because the irritation appears first, then the tissue around the lesion is swelling, then muscles contract, then the nerve is trapped. :)
You may think you have a life threatening symptom, since you dismissed the most plausible assumption you could make: trapped nerve. I can assure you that things don`t go the way you described. Have a spine check; you will find an inflamatory condition, muscle contracture or something that is affecting your sciatic nerve. No need to worry.