View Full Version : Just joined and glad to be here!

20-03-09, 20:53
Hello Everyone,

Just registered on this forum and thought that I should start with a little introduction.
I am new to the board but not new to anxiety... many times I tend to believe that I was born with it. I just turned 30 in January and my mom told me the story last summer that she never did before - the age of 2 (!!) I already needed to take some anti-anxiety pills as I threw up every day in the kindergarten... so the doc put me on medication.
Through my whole life I was dealing with anxiety, sometimes better sometimes worse, been through years of insomnia, panic attacks, GAD, OCD - symptoms were various from harmless dizziness to the point when I found myself in the emergency room crying and begging for some medication - just to survive the weekend and finally being able to sleep at least a minute and swallow a sip of water... However this "medication part" didn't last long, only for a few months - as soon as I started to take them I began to come off. My doc made me sign a paper because she refused to take any responsibility for me - seeing my state of being. It was frightening but I didn't care; signed the paper and put down the pills - once and for all. This was one of the best decisions of my life.
I am still struggeling with GAD sometimes but doing much better than even just a few years ago.

I joined this forum because I know that there are many out there who just started to have anxiety sympthoms and I know it is very very scary not knowing what happening to your body and mind. I try to help if I can with knowledge I gained over the years through painful experiences.
Also, I know there are people who are fighting with anxiety much longer than I do, some experienced different sympthoms and many times I can use some advise and reassurance as well....:blush:

I am glad to be here.


20-03-09, 20:56
Hi Zsofi

Welcome to the site I think you will find some good advice and support on here.

Take care


21-03-09, 02:02
That was a brave decision but a great one. I've only suffered with anxiety
For a couple of mths and boy its hard wrk I keep checking in on myself all
The time how my feeling can I go here will I be ok. Its like a shift before I even
Go to wrk.

Some days I'm strong and say right its all in my head and battle on other days
Like yesterday and today I'm running to the docs for meds.
If u do have any tips then please share them

Take care

21-03-09, 10:05
A huge warm welcome to nmp,

you'll get loads of help and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

just keep posting

best wishes

di xx

22-03-09, 08:23
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice and support on here, the chatroom is also very good , take care xx

22-03-09, 23:34
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx