View Full Version : ANOTHER DAY OF FEAR

02-08-05, 11:37
Hi everyone

Feel so fed up and low, got up this morning wasnt too bad but my eyes were achey and sore then when I looked at my daughter she was blurry and panic set in. Constant struggle since then dont know where this eye fear come from that I have had for about 4 months. Suffered with anxiety for 20 years dont remember having it before. Started mentoring with the charity No Panic yesterday really let everything out made me cry at one stage but got lots to do before next week and needed to get started today. Now all my enthusiasm has gone. Also so agoraphobic again never thought it would come back so bad. Feel like I am starting from scratch all over again and dont know ifI have the strength. Why is everything so hard? Thanks just needed to write it down.

Barb xxxxx

02-08-05, 12:56
Hi Barb,

Glad to hear you're doing the No panic sessions.

Have you been able to get to an opticians to get your eyes checked out fully. They are really the best placed people to help you with this fear. Write down as much as you can about your symptoms and fears before you go.

It is quite common to feel unfocussed when you first get up but it's worth getting your blood pressure checked by the GP or nurse as well.

Crying is good - calming and healing and these disorders are so scary and frustrating.

Keep going out each day just a little walk if necessary so the agoraphobia doesn't creep up on you any further.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-08-05, 13:43
Hi meg

I wont go to opticians as I have bad phobia of anything medical, but am going to get one out soon. Do take my own blood pressure

Barb xxx

02-08-05, 13:48
Hi Barb

Sorry you are not feeling too good. It is horrible when everything is such hard work but you keep pushing yourself and dont give in which is the best thing you can do. It will get easier hun trust me and hopefully you can get your eyes checked and that will take some pressure of you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

02-08-05, 14:10
Hi Barb,
sorry you feel so grotty right now, i have been the same recently, and mornings are not good for me, i wake feeling horrid and my first thought (not good, i know) is how do i feel today, how dizzy am i etc...this obviously sets me off for the day. i seem to have a different ailment everyday, these last few days it's been stomach upsets etc. no sound advice, as usual, but just to let you know you are certainly not alone in this. speak soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-08-05, 14:26
Hi Barb,

Really sorry to hear you're having a bad time. I had a terrible day yesterday and woke up this morning wondering if today would be the same. It's funny how when the bad times strike you can't remember how it felt to feel better until actually there again.....

Mark x

02-08-05, 14:46
Thanks everyone

You really helped, actually went out with my daughter lunchtime and acheived. ( shaking all over now but worth it)

Barb xxxx

02-08-05, 15:03
Hi again Barb.
well done, no wonder you are shaking all over, now do what your body is telling you and take a little rest. You have worked hard today and so you should be pleased with yourself. I too, went out with my daughter, hubby takes us, she needed a halter neck bra, 65 pounds later and no bra we returned, i must admit i felt awful the whole time, as i always seem to, and boy was i grateful to get home, but both achieved something again eh? speak later i hope xxxxand by the way i ended up with a pair of trainer socks (i have no trainers at present!!!)

02-08-05, 15:39
Hi Barb

Your posts always seem to strike a chord with me - feel I'm sorta similiar (aren't we all, lol).

My problem this year seems to be a cross between health anxiety and various degrees of agoraphobia. I can just about get out with any of my daughters but somedays this really is an effort and I'm always glad of a reason to stay in.

The trouble is I tend to forget that a lot of days are ok when I'm in the midst of some not so good ones.

I too get blurry eyes first thing - I think any medically thing we worry about we then focus on until it becomes a much bigger worry.

How old is your daughter by the way as you look so young in your pic, lol.

Will follow with interest your mentoring course and be right behind you (always behind).

Lots of love Pig

02-08-05, 16:26
Yes, you are ancient barb. lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxgosh i feel 106 today!!!!!!!!us youngsters eh???

02-08-05, 16:31
Thanks for that you made my day, had to take that post off phew!!!! as it wasnt Piglets photo I had seen just checked

Barb xxxx

03-08-05, 11:00
"The trouble is I tend to forget that a lot of days are ok when I'm in the midst of some not so good ones."

I find that too. I find it easier if you give yourself credit for what you have achieved however small you think it may be and being thankful. Its all about shifting focus from negatives to positives.