View Full Version : An intro!

20-03-09, 21:37
Hi all.

My name is Corinna and I have suffered with anxiety since 2000. My Dad and step-Mum commited suicide that year, I suffered several miscarriages & was told that I'd never have children naturally, my marriage broke up and I lost my job. Believe me, it was a horrendous year. :weep: Subsequently, I started suffering from panic attacks and basically thought I was losing my mind. I never recieved any treatment and I learned over time to manage my anxiety myself. Since then, I have developed agoraphobia and although I don't suffer from panic attacks anymore (in terms of actual "attacks"), I suffer from terrible anxiety almost all of the time, depersonalisation and depression.

I had IVF with my new husband and I was blessed with my twins. :yahoo: A boy & a girl. They are now 10 months old and are amazing. Unfortunately, I have developed severe post natal depression and my anxiety at the moment is crippling me. I have been in hospital with my twins for the past 4 weeks (in a Mother & baby unit) being treated for PND and anxiety. I was taken into hospital when my husband practically dragged me into A&E when he discovered that I was planning to commit suicide. I am ashamed to admit this now and whenever I look at my children, I ask myself how I could do to them what my Dad did to me. I was in a desperate frame of mind at the time though and I'd had enough. I felt like hell had literally come to earth. My anxiety was causing me depersonalisation pretty much constantly, I couldn't breathe & my body shook with terror all day long. On top of this, I had terrible depression and spent all day crying and just wanting to die. I'd wake up in the morning and be angry at God because he didn't take me in my sleep. I just couldn't face 1 more day.

I am not better yet and I will be in hospital for another few weeks (at the moment I have home leave at the weekends) but I do feel a bit better than I did. I am on an anti-depressent (clomipramine), beta blockers and an anti-anxiety (Pregablin).

Anyway, this is my story. I'm so pleased to have found this website (in fact, my psychologist suggested this site to me) and I'm hoping to chat to people that understand what its like to live with anxiety everyday.

Lots of love, Corinna xx

20-03-09, 22:11
Hi corinna
First of all welcome to site and i would like to say what a brave woman you are and you have come to the right place for help and support.

You are a battler and a fighter as your life testifys to and with help from
hospital and like minded ppl im sure you will come through this

I Lived with anxiety every day 24/7 and i honestly never thought i would see light at end of tunnel but i did as you will to.Look in success stories under my name and you will see what i mean and im sure once they stabilise your pnd
your anxiety will follow suit.
Medication and anxiety classes helped me tremendously but in answer to you question anxiety can be lived with, with help and sometimes it moves out for long periods which im sure you will have in the future with your loving family
you pm me any time you want about anything have faith with your doctors and hopefully the tide will turn in your favour

20-03-09, 22:22

Welcome to the site I think you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


Vanilla Sky
20-03-09, 22:34
Hi Corinna, Glad you found us . This site has helped me so much since i joined last year, knowing your not alone for a start helps, then when you read some of the posts, you think, thats exactly how i feel or have felt. We are all more than qaulified in here to offer some advice and support and that includes you ! I think thoughts in isolation is not good, sometimes you cant say stuff to your nearest and dearest but you can come on here and let rip ( so to speak lol ) we are all in this together, so lets get out of it together. You will find understanding here Corinna and maybe make new friends. Chat is fun to wether you go in for a serious talk or just to have fun and a laugh, SO welcome to NMP maybe ill see you in chatroom soon Love Paige x

22-03-09, 08:22
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice and support on here, the chatroom is also very good , take care xx

22-03-09, 23:36
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

23-03-09, 01:08
Hi Corinna, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I am so sorry to hear that you've been going through such a difficult time.

Best wishes :bighug1: