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View Full Version : hiya everyone

21-06-03, 13:21
Hello everyone,
i have just been diagonised as suffering from anxiety and panic attacks, so i am so thankful 2 have found some where i can talk 2 others who feel the same way as me.
my attacks seem 2 happen at nite time when i am sat down trying 2 relax and watch tv ..i find my mind goes into over drive and starts thinking every negative thought possible and before i know it i am having an attack, ,
i am having difficulty sleeping at nite and find my self watching the clock and just waiting for daylight 2 come.
i have got a wonderful partner called steve but sadly he does not understand wot i am going through so very easily becomes short tempered and stressed with me i also have 2 wonderful boys of 9 and 12 who right now are really missing out on having a mum who is fully functioning for them.
i am determined 2 get myself better no matter wot it takes but i just as so glad 2 have found some where i can come and share my thoughts and feelings xx[b]


21-06-03, 19:02
Hi Wendy - I too suffer from panic and anxiety. I sometimes have night time attacks, and I too just watch the clock waiting for morning to arrive. In fact sometimes I fear going to sleep.

My partner Anthony tries to understand but I really believe you have to experience it to fully understand. This web-site reinforces that anxiety related probles are very common amongst, the young and old, male and female! We are all in the same boat.

Welcome aboard Wendy

Jo (number 2)

03-07-03, 13:11
Hi Wendy-
Hope you get some benefits from this board- there are some great people here.
I too suffer from the night time panic- it's a terrible curse! I think many people have said this but... keep water by your bedside- and maybe a book to browse if it takes your mind off things. I avoid bedtimes- so you may see me in the chat room at 2 am most nights!
Hang in there, hope to chat sometime.
love Joanne x

09-07-03, 13:51
My night horrors only started a couple of months ago (panic on the other hand started 2 years and 2 months ago)...it's the negative thoughts that get me and then there's that fear of swallowing my tong...but thats not so bad now...god I sound like I'm ready for the nut house!
