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02-08-05, 12:56
Im off to the hospital in the morning regarding a long term skin problem and I have waited months for this appointment, when I first went to the Drs regarding this I didnt have any Anxiety problems but hey now I have and I am very very nervous about going. Not what they are going to do with me just being there and feeling ill! need to calm down!

02-08-05, 13:26
Take lots of things to do/ listen to in case you have to wait and rescue remedy yourself up..

Good luck


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-08-05, 14:05
I have just called the hospital to ask if they normally run on time and how long I will be there etc, she says they normally run on time and that how long im there is upto how my appointment goes. I know I will be fine once im in the room its just wen im waiting so mags and new mobile (should get it the morra) and ill play away feeling better since the chat I had with sax in the chat room

Thanks again

02-08-05, 14:56
HI Leslie,

Im exactly the same as i have a big hospital phobia / seeing people ill etc. SO i know how you are feeling.

But each time ive been i have been fine....I normally go with my mum who either chats to me or somtimes when im anxious i just like to sit and read, but knowing she's there helps. Take some magazines play some games on your mobile and i have every confidence in you that you'll be fine.

Let us know how you get on. :D

Sending you lots of positive thoughts

Tatty B xx

02-08-05, 14:57

Some hospitals ask you to keep your mobile switched off as it can allegedly interfere with some very sensitive equipment.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

03-08-05, 02:16
good luck !

I had my gallstones out and I was scared to death.
But once I got there my auto pilot kicked in and handled everything for me.

Fingers crossed yours will do the same.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

03-08-05, 06:39
Hey Lesley,

Today is the day, you gonna be fine, you know you are.

Don't forget those magazines and we are all thinking about you and are with you all the way.

Let us know how you are.

All the best


03-08-05, 09:47
Good luck!! Let us know how you get on :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-08-05, 17:54
Well guess whos back to tell the tale!

Sax I did it im so amazed at what I have done today.

Turned up bang on time for my appoitment mag in hand, Slighty shakey walking into the hospital but Andy kept me talking and joking on. Reported to reception then sat down and started reading.

Got into see the Dr within 10 mins and he was lovely. Wasnt in very long but started to realise I didnt feel too bad! Got everything sorted (told me theres nowt then can do keep taking tablets I will stop itching one day like when I started lol)

Then when we left Andy informed me that we were going to the DVLA to get our private plate back onto the car, got there it was very busy so he says lets go have a look at the motorbike shops and come back, no panic nothing I walked around the shops quite happy went back to the DVLA an hour later and sat in the que for 45mins no panic nothing

This is a huge break throu for me and anyone who was talking to me yesterday ill understand how much I didnt want to go!

Thanks for al your help yesterday I know it made me stronger today

People believe you can do it and it works!

03-08-05, 20:08
Hi Leslie,

Thats great!! Really chuffed for you!

It is hard doing things and going places, but i think as you had the hospital appoin and it went well, you were then able to cope with the DVLA office.

You should be really proud of yourself :D

Tatty B xx

04-08-05, 02:12
Hi Lesley,

Wow am I proud of you mate!

See, self believe is mega and you knew you could do it cos you said you could. Well done you, you should be so so proud of yourself tonight, I am.

Catch you again soon

Sax xx

04-08-05, 10:00
Im totaly over the moon guys and girls still today so im going to take my dog for a walk when my mam gets here if I can sit in the DVLA office no problems and do everything I did yesterday then hey its going to be like a walk in the park so to speak lol let you know how I get on with the walking thing

04-08-05, 10:05

I am so pleased it all went so well and hope you have an equally lovely day today.

Well done!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

04-08-05, 13:37
Been out for the first time taking the dog out with my Mam in weeks normally I make andy come and we take the car so I cans ee my escape not today just me my mam and the dog walking, i wouldnt say I didnt have a care in the world but I am better then I have been im going to keep fighting this I will NOT let this win!

04-08-05, 14:27
Good for you Lesley!! Keep it up :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

04-08-05, 19:31
Hi Lesley

Have just caught up with this post and you have achieved loads in the last few days and i am really pleased for you.

Well done and i hope to hear lots more positive things you have done hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".