View Full Version : Lightheaded all day everyday

21-03-09, 19:57
Hello everyone, i just registered to this site after lurking around here for a while. I am a 23 year old male 145 lbs 5"10, vegetarian , eat fairly healthy, don't drink, but i do smoke ( cut down to about 5 and under a day). Recently in the past 12 days i quit completely. take multivitamin daily, fish oil, veggie and fruit supplements and do cardio 4 times a week 25 minutes a day . I am a worrier, i worry about alot, paranoid that people are looking at me, stress about so many things i am very self conscious.

on feb 14 saturday i experienced my first attack , i was loking for my brothers ex girlfriends cat that was missing n my house, for about an hour, i also just recently started school, my parents were out of town , my brother was out of town soo i was 100% alone.i was watching a movie smoking some marijuana when i got m first attack, felt like i was having a heart attack, had to get out of my house ASAP, picked up the p[hone was going to call 911. I was finally able to clam down and passout. It wasn't a weed freakout either i have had those , and this was different.

I went to 2 different doctors both took blood pressure , heart rate said it was good. Got blood tests and an EKG last month, everything came back clear/normal. i also recently saw a family physchiatrist from previous incidents, and he assured me it was anxiety panic.

5 weeks later i am still lightheaded all day everyday, i can't even handle this s**t anymore i keep thinking its my heart, or something else. I find that i am very emotional cry alot, get extremely angry punch walls. My phych said that is is anxiety and panic, and that he has experienced about 50 people with exact same symptoms. I still think it is a physical illness no matter what, i am always monitoring my heart rate, get pains in my left side , some arm pains. The wierd thing is if i am hanging out with my girlfriend , it seems to go away not entirely but i feel much better, but when i am alone, this is when it really starts to kick in.

Prior to a month ago, i hadn't gone out of out the house besides going to work in 2 years, no friends, no nothing , smoking pot all weekend long, watching movies video games , doing nothing. This is by far the scariest 5 week experience i have ever encountered and i just want to be normal again, i would rather die than go on with this f**king ailment.

I went back to my doctor , and he said there is nothing supicious medically,suggest it is anxiety and no further tests are needed.
Everytime there is a spasm, twitch, or any kind of pain around my chest area i automatically think its my heart.
Is it possible that i could have a heart problem still or no? thanks for taking the time to read my problems and any input is greatly appreaciated.

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22-03-09, 20:02
You have had the tests so it is certainly not your heart...although your mind is telling you it is. I had this problem for years and I know it is hard to deal with. You sound as if you have a lot of support, professionally, so that is good. By the way,addressing your other post, I am a 60 something year old woman, but that does not mean that my anxiety symptoms are automatically the result of a disease !!
Sometimes you have to take care how you word things. Anyway, glad yu have found this site and hope it helps.

22-03-09, 22:24

What you need is distraction and relaxation.

It is anxiety and not a heart problem but you are so tuned into thinking that it is something sinister that every little twinge and feeling is blown out of proportion. In other words you are feeding a fear. You even say it yourself, at one point when you were with your girlfriend it was not as bad. That is because you were distracted and your mind was not busy feeding the fear.

Distact you mind with whatever method is good for you and it will get better. Tell yourself it is the anxiety and not your heart and it will get better.

23-03-09, 03:11
hey - i know exactly how you feel. also after your first panic attack, or just a major one, it can be weeks or longer before you recover. after my first panic attack i was dizzy every day, all day, for about 3 or 4 months. basically until i accepted it as anxiety and found relaxation techniques. lay off the weed - i found that it has become an anxiety trigger for me. it used to relax me and now it's just a trigger so i don't touch it. try going for walks, to the gym, get some physical exertion - it will help! this is very normal though, don't fret. if you need to talk, PM me or any of us.

23-03-09, 04:14
Thanks for the advice everyone. Its nice t know i am not alone , and people actually have an answer for these symptoms. i tell you i am sick of hearing " i am not quite sure what the actual cause of it is" that doctors use so often. The support and advice from you guys on this site is the greatest medication one can get for this ailment. thank you.

23-03-09, 14:53
I too suffered for a long time with the dizziness. I had panic attacks several times a day for several months. I haven't had a panic attack in almost 2 months and I just got rid of the dizzy feeling about 2 weeks ago. It does go away a few weeks after your last panic attack but it does take a while. I hope you get to feeling better, I know how scary it can be.