View Full Version : Swollen Lymph Node on neck

21-03-09, 23:17

I wonder if anyone can offer me advice on a swollen lymph node. It came up 7 weeks ago on the left side of my neck. I felt it come up as it was a little tender but i cant say it has caused me discomfort since. It is small, about 1 cm across and moveable. I am not unwell in myself.

I have been to the doctors a couple of times, both doctors seem unconcerned but i have just had a blood test.

I have scared myself witless looking at various websites and although the doctors were not worried, you cant help thinking of the worst case scenario such as cancer.

Has anyone had any similar experiences?

22-03-09, 08:01
I have one in my neck that is raised at the moment, its always a tad raised but recently its got abit bigger.

I am going to see my GP friday because I am feeling tired and unwell in myself recently. I am not that worried but best to get these things checked.

I know from past experience GP's are not concerned about glands unless they are golf ball size.

I wouldn't worry at all, esp if your bloods are normal.

22-03-09, 08:40
There are lots of lymph nodes in the neck; sometimes, they become swolen. Probably from an infectious disease. My advice is to forget about it. :)

22-03-09, 17:33
do not worry! since i've had anxiety i've had glands pop up and it seems to be a common problem. i was petrified untill i came on here and realised how many people have the same. it's nothing to worry about and i think us health anxiety sufferers just realise when things change in our bodies because we are always checking.
it's all good. and i know it's hard but try not to worry :)