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View Full Version : Thank you Nic (Nomorepanic)

21-03-09, 23:24
I had a reminder today to renew my subscription to a car forum i am on.I,m actually a member of a few "hobbie" sites for which i pay a yearly subscription.Well anway.That got me to thinking how much more important this site is to the members and how i,ve been using it for free without even thanking you.So,sorry for that Nic and thank you.

22-03-09, 10:18
Aww thanks Mick :D

We have been FREE for 7 years now and we always will be so don't worry about that :yesyes:

There is no need to thank me but it was very sweet of you to post :hugs:

Pink Panic
22-03-09, 13:38
I just had to say what a lovely post that was Mick.

I know Nic never asks for praise and lots of the time all the efforts behind the scenes go un-noticed but Thanks from me too Nic. You do a great job.
Thinking of you and wishing you well. :hugs:

i hate panicking
22-03-09, 15:10
Awww...what a lovely post mick:)

Thankyou from me too nic,you do an amazing job and i'm sure everyone here thinks so too,there are alot of people out there who have no one to turn too and this site is their saviour:D.

Take care x x x

Hope you get better soon.