View Full Version : Dehydration?

22-03-09, 01:05
Hello all. I have been vomiting all day with a tummy bug and cant eat. However I have really bad hunger pains and severe headache from not eating and finding it hard to drink any water so Im thinking I must be suffering from dehydration. So so tired and yet cant sleep with the pains and headache. Any advice anyone? Thanks

22-03-09, 11:28
sorry your not feeling good lots of bugs bout atm but they are not lasting to long , its difficult to drink but try to take sips of flat lemonade and if you think your dehydrated pinch the skin on your arm and see how long it takes to go down also a symptom is a white tongue when not drinking enough so ive been told if you are maybe dr can give you some tablets to help you keep some drink down hope your feeling better soon


22-03-09, 11:30
Take small sips frequently & buy some dicoralyte. This will be over soon & you can rehydrate yourself xx

22-03-09, 11:34
My advice is to try to sip very small quantities of mint or chammomile infusion; have small amounts of sugar or honey disolved in it, to prevent dehidration and hipoglicemia. To prevent vomiting and nausea, ginger capsules are a tried and trusted remedy. Hope this will help.

22-03-09, 16:10
Hi Sweet,

I was struck with this around a month back, I too could not keep even water down so doc at hospital advised that i take 2/3 sips every five mins. it worked surprisingly well. Take paracetamol for the pain-even if you are sick again some may absorb before you bring it back xxx

23-03-09, 22:34
It's likely that the headache etc is caused by the same thing that is making you vomit. Vomiting is a rough experience and to do it over and over is going to make you feel like crap.

If you are still in this same state tomorrow you should see a doctor just in case, especially if you are vomiting a lot. Other than that take frequent SMALL sips of water that is cool or room temperature (NOT ice cold, that might upset your stomach in your condition).

You can tell if you're dehydrated from the colour of your urine. The darker, the more dehydrated. You probably don't have anything to worry about to be honest.