View Full Version : Feeling sick

22-03-09, 03:28
Don't know if this is in the right section or not.I have never been able to sleep well since my anxiety increased but lately another symptom has been the ruler,feeling sick.If I am woken from sleep by a loud noise or someone outside passing or my daughterI instantly feel quite ill and my stomach gets churned up and nervy.I have to get up 9 times out of 10 and sip water or come on the computer(like now)and try and calm down it's driving me mad.I work part time at Tesco and I need as much rest as I can get and I am up now at half 3 and I need to get up early as I start work at 9.30 so I will feel exhausted again!.I read Dr Clare Weeks book and it says it could be over sensitization but would you feel sick with it? I have health anxiety as well and this is just fuelling the fire,I am thinking I have cancer somewhere as I do feel quite ill during the night on a regular basis,I am going to the hospital next week for a 24 hr heart monitor to be fitted as I get terrible palpatations and ectopic beats so I dread to think what all this sickness and nerves is doing to the state of my heart.Does anybody else get anything like this?

22-03-09, 04:38
Hmmm, I don't have it that sever as you, but sometimes I just feel ill, but then when the anxiety settles I start to feel better. But mine comes more so when I eat, only rarely when I sleep.

22-03-09, 10:16
Hiya mothermac,
It does sound like over sensitization. It's quite common with anxiety. It makes everything seems far worse than it really is and your body and mind overreact to things that if you wasn't anxious probably wouldn't bother you at all. It could cause the feeling sick too because of the churning tummy.
Hope you start to feel better soon


25-03-09, 05:17
Thanks guys,it does sound like oversensitization on a big scale,noises do make me jump out of my skin and being on edge in the first place would make it worse I suppose.I just wish I could go to bed and relax like other folk do,I am constantly feeling as though I am just waiting for something to happen,I know it stems from my fathers death years ago so I know the answer ina way.

25-03-09, 08:12
Hey, I know how you feel I have this too. For me it comes and goes (usually lasting for 1-2 months every half a year or so) and it's directly linked to anxiety. You say you know it's due to your father's death - have you been to see a therapist about it? I know that can be very hard, but going to counseling helped me a lot with dealing with the nausea and being stressed.

Also, sensitization might be something to talk to your doctor about - he might be able to prescribe some anti-emetic tablets or even get you onto a free therapy course. This won't last for ever, don't worry. It comes and goes with how anxious you feel at the moment so keep working at it and you'll see results :) good luck!
