View Full Version : back to panic after what i considered a good night

22-03-09, 05:07
so. i had a wonderful night out with my friends.
we watched twilight and drooled over boys like we were 15 all over again.
but on my ride back home i began to feel weird.. almost as if i was relaxed? and i started to freak out because i haven't felt relaxment in a while.

and i started to panic.
for some reason my body felt so powerful. idk if it was the andrenaline from the panic or what.. and i began to feel weightless.. but than when i got home to lie down and try to "relax" some more.. it felt like the world was back on my shoulders all over again, and i began to become extremely tired.. i feel wobly when i walk, and each step i take i feel like i'm trudging a million pounds in back of me.

the weightnlesness really makes me feel eerie and alone.

to top it off.. i'm on my period and bleeding alot heavier than i would.
does this normally cause all this?
not to mention my sinuses are really bad right now.
and i'm going for a colonoscopy on monday..
and i just dont feel like i'm here.

i just want my life to be back to normal.
and to stop thinking about this.

i know there's nothign wrong with me.
all those test i spent money on..
i just can't accept it..

can anyone relate?
like seriously.:weep:

angel 2
22-03-09, 07:10
Hi I know exactly how you're feeling. Periods can bring anxiety,tremors, wobbles back because of your hormones. Those things are so powerful. I knew before a period started because I would start shaking and now in the perimenopause it's happening stronger. You don't feel here, it feels like 'fear' My sinuses are bad too but I think that's because of a tooth I'm having out tomorrow. I'm the same with the tests can't let go thinking there's something terribly wrong . Good luck angel

22-03-09, 10:41
I think you had an episode of derealizlisation. Please read about it in the main menu at left: anxiety/symptoms. You are right, It`s nothing wrong with you. Your brain just took a break :)

22-03-09, 13:21
so. i had a wonderful night out with my friends.
we watched twilight and drooled over boys like we were 15 all over again.
but on my ride back home i began to feel weird.. almost as if i was relaxed? and i started to freak out because i haven't felt relaxment in a while.

and i started to panic.
for some reason my body felt so powerful. idk if it was the andrenaline from the panic or what.. and i began to feel weightless.. but than when i got home to lie down and try to "relax" some more.. it felt like the world was back on my shoulders all over again, and i began to become extremely tired.. i feel wobly when i walk, and each step i take i feel like i'm trudging a million pounds in back of me.

the weightnlesness really makes me feel eerie and alone.

to top it off.. i'm on my period and bleeding alot heavier than i would.
does this normally cause all this?
not to mention my sinuses are really bad right now.
and i'm going for a colonoscopy on monday..
and i just dont feel like i'm here.

i just want my life to be back to normal.
and to stop thinking about this.

i know there's nothign wrong with me.
all those test i spent money on..
i just can't accept it..

can anyone relate?
like seriously.:weep:

i think everyone who suffers can realate and realising your not alone is the first step :yesyes:

if you know theres nothing wrong then dont spend the money on the tests i found sitting waiting for tests and results makes my mind spin with so much worry and fear..

theres nothing wrong with having a checkup every now and again but if your just lining them up your pandering to your fears TRYING to find somthing wrong when you know there isnt..

what you did with your freinds was perfect diversion get your mind of things you need to keep your mind occupied and get plenty of rest.. if you have been anxious for a long time it will feel wierd coming back to a relaxed state.. and if its one thing people with panic attacks ect know its how they feel and the slightest change from normal and your off in panic mode.. :weep:

just remember

your fine :D these symptoms will pass :hugs: