View Full Version : throat flutters/ shaking in my bed?

Judas Gamez
22-03-09, 11:34
1st problem is my throat does this one wierd thing where as if my breath is practically being knocked out of me. It only happens for a slight second and i feel as though i can't breath. 2nd is sometimes when i'm in my bed i feel as though something is shaking my bed but its really me? It shifts as if there is on earthquake going on but its me. Should i be worried about that because i'm already kinda worried!anyone answer me please

22-03-09, 11:39
Hi. I can be lying peacefully in bed, then suddenly I start to shake and jerk uncontrollably. Don't know what causes it - perhaps muscles relaxing after being tense all day.

22-03-09, 19:41
Throat thing could be ectopics, mine were sometimes felt in the throat as if it was a little involuntary hiccup and a split second like breath being taken away.XX

23-03-09, 17:28
I get the throat flutters and I get what I call internal shaking. The doctors aren't worried, but I have decided that It is a mix of anxiety/adrenaline and little heart palpitations. But I know what you are talking about and it is very frustrating.