View Full Version : chest pains!!

22-03-09, 13:02
does anyone else suffer with this tight chest feeling?? i have been suffering with health anxiety for months and starting to feel much better.. had checks and ecg done.. but iv been out 2 nights on the trot and feel awful guilt thinking iv drank too much and iv abused my body.. now im worrying bout chest pains...:weep:

22-03-09, 13:05
Deb dont worry it will be nervous tension and anxiety with the drink
drink plenty water today have a nice hot bath and watch a afternoon movie you will be right as rein by evening

22-03-09, 13:11
Its from the booze. My HA used to be terrible after boozing. xx

22-03-09, 13:20
thanks for that...i get like this all the time but it always seems worse than last time!!! will i ever be normal again??? what a horriable thing to suffer with!! xx

22-03-09, 13:23
You can be normal again i am proof! I dont think we will ever be fully rid of it as if our health gets jeopodised it will flare it up again.
Mine went fromhaving a boyfriend. I no longer concentarted on myself but my relationship & the 5months i was in it had no symptoms & didnt think of it once xx

22-03-09, 13:32
ano well have had some cbt and thats brill but im just a constant worrier!! i am better its just guiklt kicks in if i do anything to enjoy my self!! like i say drinking or eating takeaways so on and so on!! but am dead glad i found this site its a relief!! xx