View Full Version : does it go away???? and stop???

02-08-05, 16:47
im just wondering does this ever stop, im feeling fine, but always wonder when "it" will come back, i mean can it just stop and go away????? perhaps when im feeling good, i thaught i could say it to myself, reasure me thats all????

02-08-05, 16:53

Glad that you're feeling much better.

I find that it fizzles out as you learn more and keep rational and positive and all is ok as long as life is non traumatic but you do need to look after yourself in times of stress when you're a bit more vulnerable.

Also a key point is that if you do get a bit of blip ever - treat it as simply a blip and NOT as a disaster or a ' going back to square 1' scenario as that just leads to further issues.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-08-05, 16:58
when you say look after yourself???? i know it sounds silly but how??
sometimes i feel i havent stopped, it dont bother me at all, im very energetic at times, but the it gets me with a bang? as for food, i eat but probaly not the right stuff!

02-08-05, 18:41
Panic is always worse when it happens for the first time!!!!!!!!!! I find talking about it helps and using my experience to help me travel/ float through the more violent episodes (while looking after myself when that happens). I have got to know myself a little better over the years. I have not expected magic solutions or wands to be waved, just a little patience and perserverance. This is from someone who walked out of exams, experienced social failures, recieved physco help, upset friends and family while ill, medication and hitting rock bottom. I always manage to pick myself up again after blips and forgive myself. I try not to blame myself and except that is just the way things are. Now I have a wonderful job and wonderful friends. I have to remind myself about that from time to time when I feel down, shacky, frightened and tired. Nothing bad lasts forever and it can do is turn positive and rise to challenges however ghastly they seem at the time.

02-08-05, 19:45
Diet and nutition , exercise, sleep , recognising unhelpful thought patterns for what they are , vitamin supplements, active relaxation, organizing distractions and enjoyment time, challanges, teling those who may be helpful that you're feeling wobbly etc.

Tulip - we have a personal story section that you might like to add yours to. You've done so well and would be an inspiration to others who are not there yet . If you want to write it in word and send to Nic.

Hope we can help you through this blip and thanks for all the help you're sharing even though you're not at your best right now. You will be again soon.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

02-08-05, 21:38
And I forgot, even though it can be the hardest of all in times of stress and panic - A sense of humour helps - Just been on the phone on the with my sister, had a real good laugh and a chat - things don't seem so bad. This has made me feel much better for now, despite my little blip. It is small things like that really keep us going. My sense of humour makes me me and helps one to cling on to reality just when every seems to turn unreal for a bit. Laughter is the best therapy available and its all free.

02-08-05, 21:45
Tulip what a wonderful posting, thanks,
We must remember that thanks, xxx

Kimmy, have you been into chat at all, I find they help in there and also have a laugh, take care

02-08-05, 22:42
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">im just wondering does this ever stop, im feeling fine, but always wonder when "it" will come back, i mean can it just stop and go away????? perhaps when im feeling good, i thaught i could say it to myself, reasure me thats all????

<div align="right">Originally posted by kimmy - 02 August 2005 : 16:47:58</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

i dont know what u suffer from, but me im agoraphobic and take panic attacks but all of a sudden over the last 3 weeks ive just been going out on buses shopping myself and sometimeswith my son, please getback and tell me what u suffer from,

take care

02-08-05, 23:32
Kimmy it does go away in time although we are still very sensitive to it and i would honestly say however long we suffered and however long we feel we have being cured we will always be aware of it. Maybe that isnt what we want but it makes us a lot stronger than we ever thought.

I thinnk Tulip has put into into words that we all need to remember.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

03-08-05, 02:02
mine lasted for 6 months and then went away for 4 years and then came back again.

I guess we just have to keep practicing what we've learned in order to cope with things.

But I have known people suffer panic and it goes away and never comes back. So there is hope for us all

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

03-08-05, 09:41
my panics started all of a sudden , it was my way of putting a drama into a steady life id never had before, i needed that drama because that was all i was used to, strange i know, but no if you know my family!!!

since the firts teffifying attacks i think i have health anxiety, im not a hypocondriact but i worry about my mental state too much, i even thaught i was going schizophrenic and it took a long time to realise im not going mad!!!! it was anxiety! :D i just seem to always be thinking about have i got any symptoms and stuff, its the first thing i think of in the morniing and if i wake through the night etc

03-08-05, 10:51
Hi, got up this morning feeling crap [V]. Stressed and a feeling of not being able to cope with the distress of the day. Not again I think, will it ever go - I'm about to go on holiday and feel like this. Rode through the attack and had a chuckle at what that Catharine Tate school girl character: "Am I bothered", I say to my self - "Look at my face, am I bothered". :D

Then I try and turn it around into positives (not easy) - It is best to give oneself credit for what has been achieved - e.g. Yes I didn't go to sleep until the early hours but I went to sleep when I thought I never would. I didn't fight my feelings and thats why I did sleep in the end and I got a lot achieved yesterday despite feeling tired and stressed. OK, the bad feelings/panic came back (urghhhh) but ok, whats the worst that can happen, just a lot of what ifs.

A tip I have found handy in the past. I try to break up what seems a monsterous challenges and tasks into small bits and then congratulate myself for achieveing each step. When I first started to work, I crossed off each day I survived by colouring a section of a calender. I didn't stride ahead of myself but was thankful about what I had already done. I used to look forward to that when I felt bad and focused on it when things seemed tough. I know it sounds a small thing but little things make differences. There are no magic wands out there but there is hope for recovery sneaking up on you in the end if ignore the panic. Sure there are blips, "but am I bothered":D When I go on holiday on Saturday, I will congratulate myself and feel good about even getting to the airport - again small things building to bigger and better things. It is all about changing the focus, dwelling on positives instead of negatives. I sure hope it works this weeked. I feel better just reminding myself what is important.

03-08-05, 12:56

03-08-05, 13:15
Good for you Tulip .

Small steps with comfort and recognition of success are vital.

We're all heading to T3 with you in spirit on Saturday...


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?