View Full Version : HELP please.. I've freaked myself out again about cancer!

22-03-09, 16:03
Why do I do it? I was firther looking at green tea and cancer on google...I know.. And I seen a thing called 11 natural ways to kill cancer and I read it and it goes on about a weakened immune system and that cancer cells are in us anyways but our immune system fights them off but if you have awekaned one then it can't and you get cancer. :'( Well I have a weakened immune system. I'm always sick and I have a fungal infection and have had it for ages on my tongue and downstairs(if you get me)

and that can cause it too cos the body gets fed up fighting. :;(

You probably have read my posts about bloating and poohing and pelvic pain and stuff and been sick ofr months well now I am convinced.

I'm actually getting bad thoughts that I should end myself first before something wrong happens to me..I'm getting that bad. :'(

I dunno what to do. I am torturing myself please please please help me.

After feeling not bad afor a few hours. Im back to my anxiety riddle ways.

22-03-09, 16:09
Hi wee

If you are going to spend time googling and reading up on all the if. buts and maybe's of certain diseases then yup, i'm afraid you are going to kick start your health anxiety.

The trick is to distract yourself from thinking about these things hun not investigate them.

I know it's very difficult not to google when something is playing on your mind but if you feel the need to, then take yourself away from the computer until the notion has gone.

The google monster is so naughty lol

Hope you feel better soon

22-03-09, 16:31
Also do not forget , that when you google do not automatically pick out the worst symptom and associate it with a life threatening disease. There are most likely a thousand reasons for your ailment, yet you choose the worst possible cause. Try changing your diet, eating healthy organic, working out, take vitamins fish oil. Did you see a doctor? Get blood tests? tell him whats going on, if you think it is serious which it probably isn't then go see your doctor.

22-03-09, 16:34
Thanks. I didnt even think it would freak me cos I was looking up something GOOD.

Apparantly not.

Now I am proper conviced there is something really wrong with me.

I keep getting new symptoms. And there's no one I can see.

My doc is getting fed up and the hospital just gave me laxies and sent me on my way. My dad asked if I could get tests done and my doc said she didn't want to go down that route and heighten my anxiety. : O

i'm just being left to suffer :'(

22-03-09, 16:45
goo see a different doctor then. A simple blood test can tell alot, and the fact that she is not even ordering that , doesnt make any sense. Do you take vitamins ? what is your diet like? do you exercise? Heres what you should do tommorow you should go to a different doctor make an appointment, saying it is urgent, and get an appointment as soon as possible. Or go back to the hospital? and don't be "walked over" by letting them just giving you laxatives, tell them you want tests, it is your health. It is probably nothing serious, you are not some 60 year old woman or anything.

When i got my first panic attack 5 weeks , i have had lightheadedness all day everyday since then, it is the most annoying and scary symptom, got blood test ekg, came back fine , but i stil lthink there is something wrong with me. Your mind can play tricks on you, i automatically think any kind of chest pain twitch or muscle spasm is my heart , and that i am dying. When you dwell on it you make it worse.

22-03-09, 17:07
aww u will be ok.. get to docs and demand some blood tests!! your doc has no right to be getting sick of u, its a really bad thing to deal with health anxiety!! my doc did a blood test which told me there was no cancer in my body and that put my mind at rest... also, ask yourself how long have u had these symptons and are they worsening? if yes thats most probs because of anxiety.. its awful how it sets symptoms off and if u read up on them u will believe u got it!! honest u will be fine iv done it a zillion times and thought i had every cancer there was to get!!!! chin up and try not to worry hun xxx:yesyes:

22-03-09, 17:52
I dunno what to do.:;(

When i got taken into hopsital last week with an asthma and panic attack brought on by an allergic reaction to ibroprofen I told the doc there that I had tummy paorbs and pevic probs and was having trouble doing the toilet and stuff they just gave me laxatives felt my stomach and said "it was soft which was a good sign."

Cool what about everything else though? bloo when i do manage to go.. pain after just walkin ten minutes. 2 day periods.. feeling my back adn front passage swollen. I told the doc this and she just thinks im crazy i think.

i got blood tests at hospital when i had the asthma attack and chest xray and they were all fine apparantly but i dunno what they would have been testing for.

I have been sick for about a year. and as time goes on more is happening to me.

I was going to get a hair cut cos my hair is real long and i thought no cos if i did i might ..i dont even want to get into it. I jsut feel im getting sicker by the day. and no one(not meaning here) will listen to me.

I just want my life back ;( I'm sorry for going all peeps :'(

22-03-09, 18:19
you had blood tests that came back fine< this is a good sign . Obviously you still feel like s**t, soo if you are convinced that it is a medical problem still, then get a ct scan, this is the most accurate assuring test. They can scan the pelvic abdominal area and this will show any cancer, problems or any abnormalities. i am in the same boat as you i too think i am dying and have been dying for the last 5 weeks, but i am constantly told it is in my head, from my phych, family , and doctor . Stress can play quite a bit of tricks and games on someones body. You are definately making it worse by overstressing, dwelling on it, googling, freaking out, and thinking your dying. How long have you had this kind of thinking? what triggered it? do you remember when you were normal? I never got these dying feelings until i experienced my first panic attack , now i am constantly monitoring my heart rate freaking out, and having thoughts of death frequently. If you want the assurance go get a ct scan, find a better doctor, and get a physch or someone you can talk to.

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22-03-09, 22:32
dont ask doctor goggle he is the worst person in the world to me every thing will be ok please try an claim down Ciara xxx

22-03-09, 22:49
Sambapati..I asked for scans,or rather my dad did and she said she didn't feel the need to.. I dunno how to demand a test.where to go or anything.

I'm not the demanding type. And my mum came home and I just broke down crying.

I'm going to try get an appointment with the sex clinic type place tomorrow,they have gynos and stuff there I think. Maybe they will get me the scans and stuff.

It's problems with my bowels aswell as pelvic stuff. I showedmy mum that I am visibly swollen. and hell I even showed her inside my vagina so she could see I;m not making it up.

I'm only 22..why am I like this? It got triggered with the Jade Goody stuff and when my friend told me her friend who is only 21 had lung cancer.From there I've went crazy.
But I have been sick for about a year. starting with bowel problems and having to get an enema cos I couldn't go.

Had pelvic pain on off since and been giving antibiotics for urine infections and stuff til recently two loads for a pelvic infection..but I haven't been the same.

The pain is al coming back.

cleonagh-I know I shouldnt google. I am just not in a good way at all.

23-03-09, 01:15
Sambapati..I asked for scans,or rather my dad did and she said she didn't feel the need to.. I dunno how to demand a test.where to go or anything.

I'm not the demanding type. And my mum came home and I just broke down crying.

I'm going to try get an appointment with the sex clinic type place tomorrow,they have gynos and stuff there I think. Maybe they will get me the scans and stuff.

It's problems with my bowels aswell as pelvic stuff. I showedmy mum that I am visibly swollen. and hell I even showed her inside my vagina so she could see I;m not making it up.

I'm only 22..why am I like this? It got triggered with the Jade Goody stuff and when my friend told me her friend who is only 21 had lung cancer.From there I've went crazy.
But I have been sick for about a year. starting with bowel problems and having to get an enema cos I couldn't go.

Had pelvic pain on off since and been giving antibiotics for urine infections and stuff til recently two loads for a pelvic infection..but I haven't been the same.

The pain is al coming back.

cleonagh-I know I shouldnt google. I am just not in a good way at all.

Well its not her body or health, just tell her you respect her opinion but you want to make sure , why take the chance? It is probably nothing serious but you want to make sure, she should not question your own concern for your body. Exactly you just said it the jade goody, friend having lung cancer.. soo you are right off thinking that you have the worst possible disease. Put it into perspective, you are 22, you have had blood tests ( which can detect alot of cancers) . IT is coming back because you are freaking out and stressing, thinking that it is cancer. You are making it worse by this kind of thinking, what is your diet like, you should be taking multivitamins if you already aren't , fish oil, eating healthy and not eating all the store brand garbage . Tommorow when you go to your appointment, just tell the doctor about your problems, and that you have had blood tests , and you are still feeling bad, and that you want a CT scan, and that your other doctor isn't listening to your symptoms properly.

23-03-09, 02:59
Anxiety can cause SOOO many problems with your body. It's always anxiety!! But they always feel like they are more serious. Anxiety is controlled by your central nervous system which is responsible for pain/pleasure/discomfort etc etc. So when we get ourselves worked up, we can sometimes trigger all those bad things that our CNS can do to us. Keep in mind that WE DO IT TO OURSELVES!! I know what you are going through, I have bad chronic HA and I think everything is worse, but it will get better. Keep coming here and reading the posts from all of us HA sufferers and that should give some comfort. Hope you are felling better. Take a hot bath and listen to some classical music to relax...or go rent a good video game and distract yourself stupid for a few hours.