View Full Version : can tiredness and hunger cause symptoms?

22-03-09, 16:06

Iv not been too bad lately, started a new job and been doing quite well (I think the work keeps my mind at bay).

I did not sleep well last night, i am very tired today and i havn't eaten much because i felt nausea since i woke up.
I now feel sick, shakey and just drained, feel like i cannot leave the bathroom, don't know what to do with myself.

I have a cold, possible ear infection (HUGE earache) and the start of conjunctivitis, but iv had these symptoms the last few days and still felt ok, today though i just feel terrible.

Can tiredness cause this? Has anyone else experienced this? I just feel so naff! Hubby is cooking a marvelous mothers day dinner for me and i dont know that ill be able to eat it i dont have an appetite.

CAssi xxx

23-03-09, 02:43
I find that my Anxiety is multiplied by a zillion when I am tired (which is quite a lot because I don't sleep well). Then the anxiety causes physical symptoms (for me Nausea is always the worst) the physical symptoms make me worry, which results in more sleepless night and more anxiety...whew....a very vicious cycle. Also, when I am having a bad few weeks/months, I have little appetite and thinking about food can sometimes make me sick. But yes!!! I find it totally makes things waaay worse.

23-03-09, 03:05
no sleep or not enough is bad for every one and not much food your blood sugar gos down and you will be shakey

23-03-09, 06:19
If your not eating and not sleeping properly it will make your anxiety symptoms feel like they've multiplied. im diabetic and if i dont eat regularly my blood sugars will fall and i can shake, feel very weak, wobbly legs, shaky hands, dizzy head etc...just generally unwell. The symptoms can be very similar to panics/anxiety, but they feel so much worse when i havent eaten or slept properly. Please try to eat something even if its a biscuit every hour or so or a slice of toast, it will make you feel better. Hope your feeling better now.
Take care

23-03-09, 22:42
Being really tired and run down can cause you to catch cold and other infections. Tiredness is also a major trigger for panic and anxiety. Sounds like you're just struggling with a few genuine illnesses and you need to get some rest so your body, and then your mind, can recover from the experience :)