View Full Version : health anxiety

22-03-09, 18:22
hello i have very bad health anxiety all the time once i have been to docs to get one things checked out i stop worring about that and start worring about something else,i am getting headaches dizzyness blurred vision feeling very anxious breathing problems the list is endless i am thinking i have brain tumor or something else,i know that it is silly but i can't help thinking there is something wrong i try to relax but it is so hard.

22-03-09, 18:46
These symptoms of dizzyness , blurred vision , feeling anxious , breathing problems, do they come and go or are they constant? It is also good to some assurance , by getting regular tests done, blood tests, ekg, a doctor checkup.

I am in the same boat as you , have been lightheaded constantly for 5 weeks, feels like i am dying, had blood tests ekg done, came back good. But i want more tests , ct scan, mri etc etc i want to make sure my body is 100% or else i cannot relax. What triggered your health anxiety how long have you been like this? Are you anxious all day , or are there times of the day when you are somewhat relaxed or distracted? Is there anything that helps?

22-03-09, 22:27
im totally feel the same as you i had a good few weeks there an now my health anxiety is at a peak i just cant help it but every thing will ease of for a while iam not saying it will dissappear but will get better in time i also thought i had a brain tumour as i had headaches every day it turns out i just have tension headaches but i still worry a lot about it as well as all the other stuff but we have found a good site that can help us i wish you all the best Ciara xxx