View Full Version : bored

22-03-09, 19:44
hey anybody else sat in all over weekend cos yor symptoms dictate to you, i am bored out my brain,just vegitating cant stand it,30 years on and i am no closer to getting over these panic attacks than i was wen they first come on,sorry for being a misery,but just felt writing down how i am feeling right now lol,i am not usually a moany person, dont know wat came over me lol.x

22-03-09, 20:35
I have been feeling anxious all wkend keep thinking I am going to die, it is awful. Did not got out last night as started feeling panicy. How have u dealt with this for 30 years? I have been suffering for 7 months. How r u feeling now?

22-03-09, 20:40
i am fine at the mo tink, thanx for asking, y do you think you r feeling panicky this weekend has something happened to cause it, or just came on no reason.x

22-03-09, 20:48
Hi Hamptongirl, sorry to hear you are lo this weekend.
Are you able to get out for short walks?


22-03-09, 20:55
hey dave,unfortunately cant walk that far without pain,i hav back problems which affect left leg and ankle,and another reason i dont walk far is because i perspire perfousaly which is a side affect from my meds.x

22-03-09, 21:02
Sounds tough for you mate, how about a mobility scooter, expensive I know:shrug:
Are there any Support Groups that you could get involved in?

Hey, don't shy away from getting out because of perspiring, you will feel so much better for a change of scenery.

22-03-09, 21:09
thanks for your concern, i do feel a bit of an idiot letting peopl know things about me lol,when i say i perspire i get absolutely drenched, people who dont know me have asked me if i feel ok, they think i have been running or having a heart attack lol,anyway i noticed you are up for a meet in chelmsford, that is great do you think you can message pete69, he is giving out his mob number to arrange the meet, if you know any others up for it , that would be great too.x

22-03-09, 21:09
I don't really know Hamton girl, just feel like it comes out of nowhere. Don't think it helps when it is the first thing I think about when I wake up. Hoping the CBT will start in next couple of weeks so hopefully will help. Have u tried this?

Anyway if u need to chat anytime then u can pm me. xxx

22-03-09, 21:32
hey tinks,thanx for that, i understand wat yor saying about thinking about them when you first wake up, i use to wake up with panic attacks have them all day and go to bed with them, not now first thing i think about now wen i wake up is about illness and death, i dont know which is the worst of the two evils.x

22-03-09, 23:41
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx