View Full Version : Pain above my eye for over a month?

22-03-09, 20:07
ok i have pain above my eye for about a month. feels like its right at the beginning on my eyebrow. been to 2 ophthalmologists and my GP doctor, the ophthalmologist said my eyes were fine, my regular doctor said might be your sinuses sent me for an xray and blood work found nothing wrong,is it possible there still an infection and the xray did not pick up. what else could be the problem. also when i press my finger on where it hurts on my eyebrow the pain seems to go away? reason?

23-03-09, 16:32
no one has similar symptoms?

23-03-09, 16:35
Sounds like sinuses to me.

23-03-09, 17:13
do you get headaches and a sore neck? i get all of it and been told its nothing by 2 doctors but i think its something like a trapped nerve in my neck.

23-03-09, 22:44
if it was sinuses wouldn't my doctor have found it on the xrays? im just worried it could be a brain tumor or aneurysm

23-03-09, 22:45
plus my neck is a little sore

23-03-09, 22:48
Tension headache. The soreness in the neck practically confirms it. Ibuprofen will pretty much cure it, other painkillers aren't much good against tension headaches.

Don't be afraid of your symptoms, they are totally harmless. Try not to tense up or worry too much, and make sure you aren't clenching your jaw.

Only other thing it could be is if you're squinting, maybe if you need glasses (or a new prescription for different lenses -- everyone's eyesight changes over time, meaning you need new lenses every so often).

06-05-09, 16:27
ok.. me too now.. I worry about it way too much?!? I have had a sinus infection that maybe I can't shake? two rounds of anti-biotics. But my eyes hurt in the eyeball, and just above, switching from left to right. I know that I clench my jaw/teeth too, in my sleep and during the day. I have spondylosis in my neck, lots of tension and stiffness. I take Wellbutrin, which messes with my vision, and dries my eyes out. Then I stare at twin computer monitors for 8-10 hours a day. I tell myself that my anxiety mixed with the problems above is what makes my eyes hurt. I breath bad, so I get tingling and numbness in my body, all over, arms, legs, back, and when I mix that with my headaches, eye issues, I worry that I have a brain tumor or MS or something!! I have been to the doc several times, had x-rays, neck MRI, blood work, and eye docs and a counselor. No negative results, just anti-anxiety meds and anti-biotics.

Anyone have sore painful eyes? How long can it last? about 3 weeks for me now.. :( I am pretty worried about it..