View Full Version : Nasty headrush, breathless, heart pounding....

23-03-09, 00:15
Please help,
I have been diagnosed with anxiety/ depression and have panic attacks
all the time....but does anyone recognise this situation as part of anxiety...

Sometimes when i sit up or sit down quickly, or even do something vigirous I get the worst headrush and i feel like my heart is struggling to get the blood to my head, everything feels spacey and horrible....Ive had so many panic attacks because of this feeling.....is it panic related? it happens sometimes completely out of the blue and im worried about my health......please please help....

it goes away when ive been drinking but comes back ten times worse the next day so i try to stay clear of drinking too much, even if it is a relief to be free for a few hours....

24-03-09, 21:26
Hi there. I havebeen suffering something similar for the last 3 weeks! I just had a wierd feeling in my head all of a sudden and since then it has got worse on and off. Today I have been really bad with it. They are like headrushes, just last a few seconds, but I can get several in a row and then a break and then it starts up again. It triggers panic attacks which just make it feel worse and I feel sure I will pass out, throw up or die!! It is really scary. I had mri scan done which showed normal, so I guess it may be anxiety. How long have you had them for?