View Full Version : Tonsilltis, Penicillin and possible side effects.

23-03-09, 09:21

I am new here and am hoping someone can advise me.
I have had acute tonsillitis and so I have been prescribed rather a high dose of penicillin (2 four times a day) I have never taken this antibiotic before.

Although it seems to be working ok, the first night taking it I woke up in agony with pain like indigestion so I took a couple of ibuprofen and it went away. I felt ok last night but I woke feeling really hungry and had a splitting headache. A snack and ibuprofen and I went back to sleep.

Today I am feeling really dehydrated (I didn't drink enough water last night) and my nose seems to be sore and bloody and I just got bloody phlegm. Is this normal?

My tonsills and throat are feeling a lot better but I am worried these symptoms are not normal. Also is there any way of making myself more hydrated?

Thanks and sorry for being so silly. My doctors are rather unfriendly at times but I am moving soon and will be changing them anyway.:)

23-03-09, 18:29
Hi, firstly if you are getting indigestion type pain not a wise idea to take ibuprofen as it can aggravate. Penicillin (certainly for me) gives me bad indigestion when i lay down at night, especially with the higher dose. Try some antiacids before bed.

Is the blood just from nose? or are you coughing it up? It is likely that the infection can cause a bit of blood. With regards to hydration, all you can do is drink a little more fluid than normal and it might do to avoid salty type foods/caffiene. :)

23-03-09, 18:33
You need to stick with the penicillin..yes they will give indigestion but just eat with them a dry biscuit or whatever.
Whats worse tonsillitis or indigestion?

24-03-09, 00:36
It's hard to make recommendations without actually seeing you, but if you're getting bloody phlegm you should see a doctor for your own peace of mind.

To hydrate yourself, just drink more water.