View Full Version : How long did Citalopram take before it started working?

23-03-09, 11:47
How long after you started taking Citalopram did you notice a reduction in your stress, anxiety and/or depression?

23-03-09, 15:31
I started taking these meds for panic attacks a good few years ago, for the first 2 weeks i felt even more anxious but they did keep the panic attacks at bay or reduced them greatly after about 2 weeks.

23-03-09, 19:55
I started off on 20mg for the first 6 weeks. I was then upped to 40mg. It was then when i really started noticing the difference. They're really helping

25-03-09, 11:23
This poll is encouraging, cos citalopram seems to have helped 82% of the people who have voted (at this time of writing). In other polls I've seen, the success rate seemed lower.

16-04-09, 11:20
I'm still waiting....Been on it 4 weeks now and don't really feel any different than I did when I was on fluoxetine. Hope it starts helping soon.

10-05-09, 06:21
I'm still waiting....Been on it 4 weeks now and don't really feel any different than I did when I was on fluoxetine. Hope it starts helping soon.
Fluoxetine did not agree with me within days of taking it.

Possibly my judgement has been clouded by that awful experience.
Unless you are having really bad contraindications, which it doesn't sound like you are.

Give the med's time to 'kick' in.

That can take a few MONTHS.

Give it time, med's aren't a miracle cure.