View Full Version : Sharp/lump In Throat

23-03-09, 12:41
Hi All

I'm just new here and tried my best to avoid Googling and Forums but reading through some posts on here, you all seem really nice :D so I thought I'd join. I know none of you can tell me 101% what is wrong but hopefully some of you will understand what I'm on about and that in itself will reassure me and put more belief in my GP. I have an issue with my throat that I have seen my GP about on 4 occasions. My symptoms are:-

1) Lump in throat (When I say throat, I mean in the hollow bit of the neck just above the collarbone). It's not there when I'm asleep in bed but generally starts up after my first drink (Tea!) of the day and continues on and off through day. No lump present from outside.

2) Crumb, crisp, pizza crust, bone stuck sensation that feels kind of like it is to the left of the lump and generally the 2 occur together. Generally worse after drinks (Tea!!) and on a night time (after supper?) sometimes brought on by talking (but it is lower than my voice box). Not present from outside and feels very small from inside.

3) Very occasional shooting pains to ear/head

4) Indigestion

So why am I here? Well....other than the fact that you all sound nice :) , I wondered whether some of you may be able to relate to these symptoms. I wanted to check here mainly about 2). Whenever I look for lump in throat sensation in the forum it tends to read like a big ball of phlegm or whatever, but I haven't seen much on the "something sharp caught" thing.

My doc says I haven't got cancer because my "crumb" and lump appear and disappear and that if I had cancer it would always be there and would be getting worse (and certainly in the 4 - 5 weeks I have been going to see him). He says I have GERD/REFLUX and that will have inflamed my Oesophagus. What he can't tell me and what I would really like to understand is, physically, what is the feeling of something caught in my throat? Is that like raised up flesh, nerve endings or veins, ulcer in the throat? Help?:ohmy:

23-03-09, 13:26
......also, I am 41 (now an ex-smoker!!!!) and my throat is not sore

23-03-09, 13:44
I had a lump feeling in my throat, or felt more like maybe a cut or something that just got aggrivated at certain times of the day, but I could only feel I when I swallowed.
Doc didn't seem concerned and it has now gone.
My throat has been odd for over 2 months now though, not always sore but dry and I get croaky voice, feel like I need to clear my throat a lot.

23-03-09, 13:54
I had a lump feeling in my throat, or felt more like maybe a cut or something that just got aggrivated at certain times of the day, but I could only feel I when I swallowed.
Doc didn't seem concerned and it has now gone.
My throat has been odd for over 2 months now though, not always sore but dry and I get croaky voice, feel like I need to clear my throat a lot.
Thanks Shelly. I think mine is raised up, rather than a cut..I asked my GP if you can get scabs there and he said not. Mine doesn't seem to hurt when I swallow...just the feeling that it is there. I too have a bit of a croaky voice (but my voice is quite gravelly anyway and my low moods make it sound even more so as the slower I talk the more gravelly)

17-01-15, 18:42

Today I got a sudden sharp like pain in the left side of my neck and now it's settled into what feels like a sharp pain to the left side of my throat above my collarbone. I think it could be acid reflux similar to what you have said in your post. I just wondered how you are now and how long the sharp pain when swallowing lasted?