View Full Version : Helicopter sound in ear.

23-03-09, 13:12
Hi all,

I have had ringing in my ears quite a bit recently but what bothers me is the sound in my ear when I am lying on left side about to go to sleep, its like listening to a helicopter or a car engine in my head.......its worse if Iam stressed or been running about.

I had a head scan back in October and had had the noise prior to the scan and thought I havent had my results back I gather that the neurologist would have seen them and contacted me if there was a problem or so Iam told.

If I breathe deeply and relax I can sometimes get it to stop and when I mentioned it to my doctor I think she thought I just meant I could hear the pulsing which is not the same noise.

I read a thread on I H which sounds like the noise I have and I do get head aches so now I am panicking.I do feel sometimes like a pressure in head but when I am worried.
I woke up once with a noise like an alarm clock buzzing in my head and went to ER where they said it was tinnitus but I thought that was ringing???

Does anyone else have this?


23-03-09, 13:27
I have had this in the past, I think I was told it was anxiety and stress.