View Full Version : New sensation.. still anxiety?

23-03-09, 16:26
Over the last few weeks i've had a new sensation in the front of my neck.

It's not easy to explain it, but it feels like 'loose muscle/fat? ' under the chin that when i walk around or drive seems to trigger throat breathing problem.

I've had a number of different throat sensations with anxity over the years but this one is a new one on me (funny how these things vary).

Tthis 'sensation' is un-nerving and starts to trigger a panic attack, if it gets too bad. I've taken some diazipan to calm me, but i still feel like its there. Not going away.

Anyone else had this or know what it is /what to do ??

23-03-09, 17:26
If you're paying attention to the feeling, no drug on earth will make it go away. That's what makes anxiety such a bugger. And that's what usually proves it's anxiety.

Do you actually have problems breathing, in other words is the flow of air physically being restricted in any way? If so you need to get it checked out as soon as possible.

If you are able to take in all the air you need, it's almost certain to be anxiety.

Anxiety is worse than the Borg. You find a way to fight it and it comes back different, and stronger. Yeah I'm a nerd. ;)

23-03-09, 19:10
not really breathing problems, just the panic/fear created by something new and unexpected.
luckly i have a job, but each time something like this happens i end up driving home.
If it's once a month that's bearable but when it starts getting daily thats not good. There comes a point that either i get sacked or quit work because of it..
and trying to get to see a doctor takes about a week.:blush: