View Full Version : Follow up doc appt. today

23-03-09, 17:41
Well i went to see my doc about my swab results as he wanted me to see him in a follow up appt. He told me all clear which i already knew. He asked how i was feeling and i said pain had gone and haven't really had any problems. He felt my tummy and didn't say anything? He has booked me in to have a scan to look at my ovaries etc as he thinks i could have Endemitriosis. Got to wait about a month. Now just as i was about to leave i mentioned the weight loss, he said "now your telling me this" and logged it all on the computer along with my loss of appetite that i had a while back. He said he would like to see me after the scan when the resullts come back. I am petrified that he is hiding something. He weighed me and saw that my weight had gone down too. I'm sure this wait will cause me more stress and i always lose my appetite when i worry.


23-03-09, 18:38
Oh my I am sorry sweety.

I am so suprised the amount of us girls on here that are all having problems with lady bits and bowels and stuff.

I'm going through hell with stuff just now too.

It's eird though cos when you worry,you lose your appetite so you're gonna lose wiehgt...So I dunno if that is related. What age are you if I can ask?

What pains was it you were having and stuff?

Amy xxx

23-03-09, 18:56

I'm just 33. Not too old! I have had lots of gyno probs since i started my periods at 11. Heavy, pains etc... After having my kids my periods were fine but my youngest is 10 and slowly over time they are getting worse again, heavy, pain, clots, long periods. I have bleeding midcycle sometimes and after intercourse which doc thinks is post coital bleeding. But this time i had intercourse, bled the next day for 3 days but only light bleed, pain in back, pain in lower cervix where hub obviously was banging at my tum! Hub is a little large down there, but this hurts me! can't be adventerous in postions!
I'm just scared in case i do have something more serious. Gonna keep eye on weight. Had really bad poops today, both me & hub & dog!!!! So everything i eat keeps coming out again!.
Well i'm sure i shall be on here for the next 4 weeks cos i need mental support.X


23-03-09, 20:06
this all sounds like endo, which is not a big deal. remember usually scans won't detect it. so make sure you are dealing with a doc who is very familiar with endo, or see a specialist. they often have to do a lap procedure to diagnose it. most people have no issues with their endo but have to go on pills so don't worry!!