View Full Version : The NoMorePanic On-line Weight Loss Club

02-08-05, 19:51
A few people wanted to start a post on here to encourage each other with our diets.

I know that most of us want to lose weight but some want to put it on so all are welcome to join in and motivate each other.

We can offer each other support, motivation, food tips etc etc.

I will get it started.

I am currently dieting and if you have seen the pics of me at the meet-ups then you will notice I need to lose some weight [:O]

I started 5 weeks ago at 14 stone 1lb. I am 5'4" so need to be around 10 stone to feel comfortable - long way to go!!

I am doing the Weight Watchers diet but not going to the meet-ups cos I know what to do I just have to do it!

My biggest downfall is Stella and white wine and resisting them! Oh and crisps yum!

Feel free to join in if you want to. You don't have to give your weight on here I was just feeling brave [:O]


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

02-08-05, 20:04
Seeing that I couldn't fit into any of my suits on Monday when I suddenly needed to for a funeral .. [Ugh]:([V][Sigh...]

I will start with losing 1 whole stone !!


02-08-05, 20:06
A good idea nic, but I am not brave enough to give my weight.
A couple of years ago I lost three and a half stone and felt confident and healthy, over the past year Ive had a difficult time and put 4 and a half stone on.
I decided to do something about it too. I joined slimming world, which is where I did it before, and lost 12 and a half pounds,
I have slipped over last couple of weeks and as Im going away on Tuesday for 17 days I decided to wait until my return, yes I know another excuse, but one thing is dieting cannot rule my life it didnt last time and I was successful so I hope to be able to achieve it again.
My weaknesses are savouries and stella too. love Alexis,xx

02-08-05, 20:11
Alexis - I did get down to 11 stone 4 at one point and put it all back on like you. Oh well let's try again eh?

Meg - oops. LOL


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

02-08-05, 20:31
Well nic my excuse is wouldnt it be boring to be perfect??? (a bit nearer would be nice tho) lol

02-08-05, 21:35
Hello my fat friends (JOKE!!) Well here I am. Have got up 2 sizes since suffering from anxiety from a size 6/8 to a size 12 and I'm NOT happy about it!! My biggest downfall is chocolate. I can eat bars of it and still want more [Sigh...] I really am addicted..but hey, maybe with some support, we can all become glamour models, huh?? Wishful thinking..

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

02-08-05, 21:55
As I said to you Sarah, you are getting to be a cheeky lass,

02-08-05, 22:15
Oh a quick tip - take measurements as well cos I lost inches and not much weight before. The inches made a big difference to the clothes not fitting even though the weight hardly moved.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

02-08-05, 23:34
I need to lose about 3 stones but that is guessing as i am so scared to get on the scales.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

03-08-05, 08:32
Well I need to loose 3 stone! I'm 11stone[No][Ugh][Sigh...]. I put on most of my weight when I had my son, before I was pregnant I was 7stone and I shot all the way up to 12 through my pregnancy!

I have the Davina Mc Call work out video which I think is really good if your anything like me and haven't the first clue about workouts! Unfortunatly though I haven't been doing it as often as I should be, mostly because of how I'm feeling but I will start it again now and keep you all posted!:)

So good luck to everyone and here's to being slim!lol

Take Carexx


PS. I actually sell weigh****chers goodies on ebay but if you guys are interested I will send you them for free:D. It's sent to you via e-mail (so just pm your e-mail address) and it's a recipe guide, points calculator(unfortunatly has to be used on your pc as being sent by e-mail[Duh!]), a daily eating diary and the diet where you can loose 17lbs in 7 days! If your interested just PM me.

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

03-08-05, 10:04
OOhh...this is exciting!!

Well I am 5ft 8" and before depression set in I was a size 8. I am now a size 12 but i actually think, along with my family and friends, that I do look healthier for it. I have only out weight on around my waiste area and I actually prefer it as i do look curvier and am tall so it helps...I just wish i couldve put weight on around the bust area!! But hey never mind!

As i say, my weigh is around my waist, and although i dont want to loose weight, i really would like to tone up - I have got a work out dvd (jades dance work out! haha dont laugh!!) but hardly ever do it!! I am addicted to sweets, crisps and CHOCOLATE!!!! [:I]

So...if any one knos of any good toning exercises or dvds ect...I'd love to hear from you!

Tatty B xx

03-08-05, 10:21
So..anyone have any good ideas on how to lose weight fast?? Is starvation really the only way? [Sigh...] Well, going to have some chocolate..I mean an apple [:I]

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-08-05, 10:48
Morning Slimmers!!!!
Starvation doesnt work, eat healthy Sarah as in healthy I mean type of food not quantity, lol, although of course some foods you can eat large quantities, dont think that means dairy milk, hey Sal, you dont have to get weighed if you dont want you can soon tell by your clothes, what I did once was get someone to weigh me but not tell then when I was feeling more confident I couuld look and still know how much Id lost, yes Ive dont this more than once.
Love Alexis,xx

03-08-05, 13:37
ive just ordered slimming world book of ebay am gonna give that a go. ive been weighing myself every monday for about 3 months and never shift from 167kg although friends i see me every now and again say im loosing weight. mmmmmmm not convinced lol i want to be about 9 1/2 to 10 stone /size 12

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

03-08-05, 15:00
As I said guys if you want something to help you start slimming just post or pm me your e-mail address and I will send you some weigh****chers goodies to get you started.

also definatly recommend the Davina McCall workout video, I think that it's great. It's in 5 sections, warm up, bum and thighs, upper body, stomach and cool down. They do a number of toneing exercised but every 10mins or so you do a 1min cardio (basically you get to jump about like a nutter!) to get the heart rate up and start burning off the fat. It really is good fun.

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

03-08-05, 15:01
Slimming eh, I need to lose 3 stone as you can tell if you have seen my pic. Joined Weigh****chers online only kept it up for a week!!! but still member. My problem is lack of exercise due to agoraphobia, dont walk anywhere really, also suffer with sciatica so I limp about, but have got a huge garden so no excuse really. Just started mentoring and she wants me out and takes no nonsence. So doing this will get me started.Thanks Nic I will join in.

Barb xxx

03-08-05, 16:05
I have the "real" weight watchers calculator Jammie but would be interested in the other Weight Watchers goodies you have. My email address is not a secret on here so I don't mind telling you it - nomorepanic@btinternet.com Thanks for that.

I also have the Davina workout DVD and am ashamed to say I did it once only. Must dig it out again. I found the best ones for me were Beverly Callard (from Corrie). Don't think they are on DVD but you can get the videos from ebay.

I also have all of Rosemary Conleys and they are good too but definitely the Beverly one for more intense toning exercises.

I also do aquatone for an hour each Wednesday - that is great fun and very good toning as well.

With regard to food try and fill up with vegetables with a main meal. That doesn't mean potatoes lol, I mean real vegetables. I love sliced green beans and could eat a whole pack to myself!

Happy slimming people!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

03-08-05, 16:55
Am feeling very proud as am eating a huge bowl of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries..YUMMY :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-08-05, 17:15
What a good idea Nic, :D[Yeah!]

Oh I so much need to loose weight to I have been on Weight Watchers before and lost a few pounds. I find no matter what i do my weight just sticks. Being short suffering with IBS bloating and a big bust [:O]doesn't help much either.LOL Must persevere though hey well after my Birthday of course!!!!!!!!!!![:I]

Heres to moderation not deprovation! Anyones who watches You are what you eat will understand what i mean! I'm sorry Gillian but a mung bean just doesn't quite do it for me![xx(]

Claire I will send you a PM re WW stuff thanks hun that would be FAB!

Take care All.;)

Love PIP'S X X[:X]

03-08-05, 21:00
Hi all,

Thanks for doing this Nic, its brilliant. Well im 5ft 7in and weigh in at 14 and a half stone. I did get down to 9 stone before I met Jason, but now over the years and 2 more babies, put it all back on again.

Still, If we all work together we will beat all this together.

Question is where do we start ?? LOL

Good luck all

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

04-08-05, 02:37
At the beginning Emma, and that is where we are........ accepting we have a problem........ lovealexis,xx

05-08-05, 21:56
Ok diet is back-firing on me now.

I am eating too much fruit so I now have acid indigestion really bad again.

It is supposed to be good for you but doesn't feel like it at the moment.

This dieting is hard work!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

05-08-05, 22:17
lol Nic I know the feeling..I always start the day out so well but never get through it without eating something I shouldn't..I need to try to reward myself with something if I succeed..

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

08-08-05, 20:38
Hey everyone.
I'd ideally like to lose a stone. I'm bordering on a size 14 at the moment, but I'd love to be a 10-12. I'm not overweight really, just not happy with my jelly belly!!! lol! Thats what having babies does to you!
Oh, and I HATE my 'love handles'![Sigh...] Or saddlebags if you prefer to call them that! HeeHee! If only I didn't love minstrels so much!:D


05-09-05, 19:59
Just to update folks, I've lost 8 lbs since my last post!!!!!!! Only another half a stone to go!!!! The hardest part I think, the last bit.


05-09-05, 20:53
[Wow!] Cookie!! Well done!! How did you do it? :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

05-09-05, 20:58
Cough splutter - I am not doing so well!!

Cookie - you look fab as you are!!!!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

06-09-05, 00:27
Nic i have tried to cut down but the holiday let me down, they shouldnt have offered me buffet breakfast and dinner but it has took its toll and now am the heaviest i have been since having Sam. Well that was when i was 8 months pregnant with her!!!

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

05-10-05, 06:58
HI all
i cant believe this site it has everything lol
i really need to loss some weight and you all sound like you are doing well has any one got any good tips ,i love choc and all the bad food i start of really well then by dinner time i go wrong, would love any good tips on the good food for slimming and for your mind thanks take care denise xx


05-10-05, 11:21

I soooo want to join in. I really really need to lose about a stone and a half,as i've put this on since being on meds.

I have just done a cindy crawford workout, and have now no feeling in my legs. I cant even imagine how i am going to get up in the morning!!

I'm all up for some morale support on this one!!

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

05-10-05, 17:03
Thanks for the email Claire,

Just wondering if anyone you know lost weight on that drop down diet (the soup one)?

Sounds too good to be true!

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

16-10-05, 00:10
Since my challenge with Nic to loose 6lb before the last AT trip (which I managed but since put back on) I have discovered a fantastic new way to loose weight. You can still eat what you want, but the weight still falls off.

You may know from my previous posts that one of my closest friends has been diagnosed with cancer. She has had an operation to remove the bad bit, and is shortly to start radiotherapy.

I am riding her horses as she can't.

At the end of the month there is a combined training competiton, for pairs. Basically I will be riding a dressage test whilst remaining firmly on the floor, and my friend will jump a course of show jumps. The combined score will be added up and the best will win.

I haven't jumped for 7 years, and to be honest, never intended doing so again, until Thursday when Nic asked me to do the jumping whilst my friend did the dressage. I told her to get stuffed. Then I thought about it. She is being so brave, and tackling her illness head on that I just couldn't say no.

Today I had a show jumping practice and managed five fences (small) without falling off.

Apart from sweating a lot, and having totally solid inner thighs where they have been locked in protest since my attempt to get round a course this afternoon, I've lost 3 lb since Thursday. Everytime I think about jumping the horse, I feel odd and have to loose the loo.

Just imagine how lithe I will be in another two weeks time when the show is!

So my top diet tip, is to ease off the chocolate and do something that scares you!


Nemesis - Rita QofS I JFDI'd THEM!!!!!!

16-10-05, 11:44
LOL Charlie! That is how I feel, everytime I even THINK about the school playground I get the rumble for the loo!!!

I have just started getting into the routine now of exercising Weds and Sun. I have not lost anything yet, but something tells me the Baileys' is not helping!

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

16-10-05, 21:57
Nerves - the best quick weight loss plan next to salmonella.

I've tried both and nerves is (slightly) more preferable!

Playground - what with kids and everything???? Much more scary than jumping a couple of fences!

One of my jobs is at a hairdressers and I live in fear of nits every time we have a small child in X


Nemesis - Rita QofS I JFDI'd THEM!!!!!!