View Full Version : Random sudden heart racing

23-03-09, 18:53
I just stood up and my heart began racing quite quickly, really scared me but calmed down as soon as I sat down again... been having palpitations for days now and driving me insane.

Forrest Gump
23-03-09, 22:56
I know how you feel, I've been having the same on and off, it really drives me nuts at times. At one time I was sitting down eating breakfast and then when I stood up my heart suddenly started racing very fast. It didn't stop so I got so scared that I called 911 and an ambulance got here. They took me to ER, I got ECG on the way in the ambulance and at the hospital, and everything checked out fine. After some blood tests they cleared me and sent me home.

After that I don't get as worried when I get palpitations, but I would still advice you to have yours checked thoroughly, to be on the safe side.
Even though I believe that we can get a lot of these things because of anxiety and panic, I think it's very important to have it checked up and not ignore symptoms until everything's been checked thoroughly. I think that this can make it easier to move on and deal with emotions, or at least that's how I'm trying to deal with it myself.

I really hope you feel better soon, all the best.

23-03-09, 22:57
Hi there. I know it feels scary but to me it sounds like a panic attack. Had you been drinking alcohol or dehydrated? I had that before but I had been drinking plus had a mild panic attack at the same time. Are you anxious about anything at the moment? These all contribute to palpitations too. Read the "symptoms" section to the left of this page. I never realised your body reacts to stress in all kinds of ways. I have had a lot of trouble in the past 2 years with my heart skipping a beat (sometimes every 4 beats) and it was really scary. The trouble is the more you think about it the worse it gets and I suppose it would be the same if your heart is racing fast. The past month or so I rarely feel them but its because I've learnt to ignore them so they pass. Try and do this yourself. I'm sure you will be fine. Palpitations are common especially if you are prone to panic attacks/anxiety. If it persists though I would see the doctor just to rule out anything else but I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Try to relax. That's the best cure for all these horrible problems. :winks:

23-03-09, 23:13
I've been having palpitations for about a week now, last week it was very unbearable and I went on several A+E visits as well as a racing heart. Done several ECG's, blood pressure checks, blood sugar, blood tests for a variety of things on multiple occasions and even a chest X-Ray. Picked up a Sinus Arrythmia and got to get a 24 hour monitor tomorrow.

I think its worry that I have a serious heart condition, this is my second bout of anxiety and the palpitations feel worse then last time. Scared to get up because I'm worried I'll collapse. Feeling really light headed and my hands and feet are freezing except my left hand. Woke up in cold sweat's last night and phoned 999 but they got a nurse to phone me rather then send an ambulance. The heart rate was going faster then normal for ages and it was really unpleasant.

Really dreading tomorrow because my 24 hour monitor has been arranged in Manchester and I live in Derby - I'm scared it will pick something bad up :(

23-03-09, 23:19
You just experienced an episode of tachycardia -- there is actually a positonal tachycardia, where you change position and this happens, it's called POTS -- I get this from time to time and although they are a bit scary, generally the episodes are not harmful. The best thing to do is when it happens, first try and relax (the more frightened you get, the longer it will last) then either take a deep breath (mine seems to happen when I am breathing differently and not realizing it -- like too fast or too deep) or bear down like you are going to the bathroom. That gets thing going normally again. Mine also occur more when I am dehydrated, so be sure you are hydrated and make sure you are getting enough potassium (I drink a glass of orange juice every morning and that seems to make my heart behave itself). Oh, and mine also tend to occur more often if I am overly tired! So, make sure you are getting enough rest. I also have MVPS (mitral valve prolaps syndrome) and that comes with territory of that, too. If you are concerned, do see your doctor for nothing else but reassurance. You'll get through this. :)

Forrest Gump
23-03-09, 23:30
I think it's a really good thing that you're getting your 24 hour monitor so soon. Even if it would pick something bad up that's kind of a good thing too, meaning that most likely something can be done about it. I know it's hard, but try to stay calm and have faith in the doctors, they know what they're doing and it's very good that you're getting the tests and all.
Try to find something that will calm you down in the meantime, talk to a friend, take a walk, do some chores or anything that will keep your mind of worrying.

24-03-09, 07:46
My heart starts to pound really hard a couple of times every day, when this starts the anxiety raises and even thpugh it has happenend many times i still get scared.
Of course it happens every night when i am about to sleep.
This drives me crazy, i have had it like this for a month now.

24-03-09, 08:57
I'm hoping its just worry about the 24 hour ecg, I hope I don't have to wait long for the results :mad: my heart beat feels really slow and skips beats (must be at or just under 60 bpm, my recent tests have picked up 70-80 bpm) the pounding is driving me insane.

To summarise recent tests

ECG tests (about six last week) fine except sinus arrythmia
Blood tests fine
Chest X Ray fine
Blood pressure fine
Blood sugar fine

Doctor's think its anxiety but I'm really scared everytime I do the slightest bit of exertion!