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23-03-09, 20:14
Can anyone help because i seriously don't want to visit the google doctor, what is a normal vaginal discharge?

mine is white and milky looking, i am on the pill as well and sometimes gets thicker towards my period?

All the recent news about cervical cancer freaks me out a little, even though i am trying to put it all into perspective.


23-03-09, 20:26
Sounds totally normal to me hun please try not to worry. But if it makes you feel better go and see your gp or maybe ring your practise nurse and have a word im sure theyll put your mind at ease hun.
Take care

23-03-09, 20:29
Also sounds normal to me, but the nurse would advise and reassure you, that there is nothing to worry about. XX

23-03-09, 20:38
Hey thanks for your replys, i kinda guessed that it might be normal, my last cervical smear test was in August 2007, which was normal, next one due in 2010. Is every 3 years ok, it seems a long time to go in between having them, should they be done yearly or is every 3 years normal?

23-03-09, 20:50
if you're sexually active and not in a monogamous relationship (or even if you are really) - you should have them annually to be safe. annual is not remotely often, and is standard practice here though i know in the UK it is not. i would push my doc to do them annually though.

23-03-09, 20:55
Discharge changes depending where you are in your cycle.

You're "normal"...lol


23-03-09, 21:21
Totally agree holly i think they should be done every year too.....its too long a gap.

23-03-09, 21:57
could be a yeast infection if your itchy too, or bacterial vaginous which causes a fishy smell. both are just an imbalance of bacteria and can be easily treated.
but milky discharge sounds normal to me, your discharge will vary depending on your cycle.

23-03-09, 22:15
I have no itching down there, and it doesn't smell either, well apart from normal bodily odour. Sometimes the smell becomes heavier near my period. I have read b4 on cervical cancer sites that for the uk every 3 years is adequate for smear testing, unless you have abnormal cells, then it's done every 6 months until it returns to normal.

The thing is if i go to my doctor i probably wont get another smear test done unless i have just cause, and i don't have one.
So i will have to wait until Aug 2010! for my next one.

23-03-09, 22:29
Yes you're normal Holly!lol

Unless there are any other symptoms like a foul smell or itching and soreness then its absolutely normal.

I think smears should be much more often than every 3 years, I might look into having mine done annually which they were doing with me for a while as I had some 'abnormal' cells, this went back to normal though so I am back to every 3 years...saying that my 3 years are up and I'm booked in for tomorrow :scared15: hate smears but will be good to have peace of mind.

Hope this has put your mind to rest...dont google it!!lol


23-03-09, 22:44
Hi snowdrop,

Yeah I know smear tests are not the most dignifying but they save lives, I'd rather go through it for 10 minutes than not do it at all. Good luck with yours tomorrow :)

I did ask the nurse a while ago about discharge and she did say that the milky white discharge is normal. So i guess its good to know that.
I think with recent press about cervical cancer it plays on my mind, but i have to be positive and i am doing all the right things, and getting them done. However i would prefer if they were annually : )

I am totally staying away from google, its a nightmare waiting to happen!!