View Full Version : Retinal Migranes - Anyone?

23-03-09, 22:46
On Friday, I experienced something I had experienced about 2 years ago. For about 20 minutes I had blind spot vision. I would look at a word and the letters would be missing. It really freaked me out. Last eye doc I went to didn't seem to say anything. Today I seen a lady whom tells me that it is a retinal migrane from the description. And I looked it up and that sounds like it. I am however afraid of the tell your doctor he may want more testing.
Also if it last more than an hour to see a Nerologist.
I took the spray - bach flower and thought it was anxiety -terrible when you begin to relate everything to that.

Comments welcome>


23-03-09, 23:05

It's what you describe - a migrane. I have had them twice so far and they were 20 years apart, but just as you experienced. It's worth telling your doctor but I don't think there is anything to worry about.

24-03-09, 00:02
I would look at a word and the letters would be missing.
Does it seem as though they are blurred out? Do you get pain or a tight or fuzzy feeling in your eyes or head? It does sound like what I call mini-migraine, the prelude to a migraine attack. Not everyone who has the aura or other visual disturbances actually suffers pain afterwards. You could be one of those lucky ones.

24-03-09, 09:06
Hi i get these, mine start with funny shapes like a bright pulsating light it eventually moves from my vision, then usually after that my vision is affected as in when i look at writing some of it is obscured usually the last part of the word, but luckily i get no pain during or after it. It can seem really scarey, but they are incredibly common , i think there are a few posts on them on here if you do a search, i can get 2 a month or none for a year it just depends. I would mention it to the doc but dont worry as they are very common and lots of us suffer from them, hope that helps you a bit, take care xx

24-03-09, 14:40
Thanks, everyone. I guess the worst is being afraid of the nerologist word, cause that sounds scary in just the wording.

I really appreciate the feedback, thank you

29-03-09, 13:21
I have had a couple of these in the last few months, I got so worked up and this resulted in panic and anxiety I have been to see the eye specialist and she said they are optical migraines very common and not to worry I am waiting for further investigation and a fields test ? will let you know how I get on but they are very scary and try not to google as this will only frighten you something silly.

Lots of love


06-04-09, 04:05
First thing: don't worry. Lol. I've had these a couple times, months apart. First time was on the computer, center of my vision wen bright and black for 10 min.

Second time I was watching TV and in the top-right of my vision I started getting what looked like a lightning bolt staying their and start extending towards the center. it was like an ark of jagged colored light/blackness. And then after they went away my eyes hurt inside. It made me really scared but it went away. Eye doctor confirmed it was ocular migraine and this site explains it well to.


06-04-09, 10:50
:yesyes: this is why i love nmp! - i have been suffering with these on/off for the last 8 years say - i mentioned them once to optician and they explained them also as type of migraine - whether you get pain or not.

have been having headaches over the last 2 months due to stopping tea drinking very quickly - one day i drank loads the next i didnt - and it seemed to set off these headaches that came and went for ages - anyway they are gettign better now - but if you worry they seem worse - becasue i am well at the moment and intend to be for he rest of my life, they havent bothered me, but its still good to hear of others experiences:yesyes:

11-04-09, 22:36
I was watching Neighbours last week when I began to realize that I had a weird visual disturbance in my left eye....like a fuzziness and moving zigzag shapes preventing me from seeing part of the TV screen. Needless to say, it was v scary and took about 10 hours to clear completely. I am a migraine sufferer but have never before had Aura symptoms, only the head pain, aversion to light and noise and nausea. I happened upon this site by chance and am relieved to read simialr stories from other migraine sufferers. I never had them when I was younger (pre 21yrs) but they seem to be getting worse as I grow older!