View Full Version : Palpitations and Visit to Emergency Room

23-03-09, 22:58
Hi Everyone,

Hello.. I apologise once again for starting a new thread, by my own admission i am awful at forum ettiquette, i always get told of on DS forum for starting new threads. :blush: Anyway, i really could do with your opinions on a topic. I have had the WORST heart palpitations today, they have been horrendous. starting in my throat and sort of exploding in my tummy. I havent had them for quite a while and i do confess i caved and went to the A&E (E.R for Americans). They did another ECG and Blood Pressure/Heart Rate etc and all was fine. I didnt have the worst palps whilst i was connected but i was having them all the time in the hospital room. The doctor came in and told me they were most probably harmless and that if i wanted i could have another holter monitor fitted should i need to for reassurance. My boyfriend is away for a while so i am living alone (which i am enjoying and NOT anxious about btw) and i am a little stumped as to why they would start now.. they are still coming but less frequent now i am adjusting to them and not worrying as much. Just to give a bit of background,
1 - I have recently drank FOUR litres of Diet Coke whilst i was watching films I havent had any for a while and i went a bit mental i do confess.
2. I have recently stopped taking citalopram could it be waithdrawal???
3. I am having hormone problems at the moment.could it be that??

anyway help is greatly appreciated as like i said - i'm lonesome lol x x x x x x x x xx

23-03-09, 23:03

You really are just anxious...
Yes all that fizzy drink is not gonna help & withdrawal will make it so much work but experience just tells me that anxiety is the main factor here hun & believe me i know i have had them. You just need to cam yourself & occupy yourself.
Take a bath, go for a walk etc

The sooner you learn to accept they are all just anxiety related the quicker they go.


23-03-09, 23:24
okay like the main reason for heart palps, even in non-anxiety people are:
1. caffine
2. drugs - starting them, stopping them
3. hormones - period starts, period ends, ovulating, puberty, pregnancy, menopause - basically any movement of hormones!

so compare the above to your earlier post:) i do not want to belittle the fact that this could be your anxiety working up, even if you don't 'feel' anxious - i had paps all throughout the holidays and i wasn't stressed, was in fact on vacation. for no reason! - BUT on top of that rationale, you've also spelled out three top notch causes of heart palpatations. ignore it .. watch tv.. stop the Tea and cokes for a couple days .. and it will pass.

23-03-09, 23:24
To answer Kaysheldon's points:

1. Crikey o'blimey, you're lucky you didn't start bouncing around like a human pogo stick. No wonder you felt so weird afterwards! Your poor liver! Your poor kidneys!!

2. Yes, if you went cold turkey, but it probably isn't the cause.

3. Maybe, but the doctors would have said something about that (provided you told them about hormone trouble).

You have been given a clean bill of health so your palpitations are either a normal, natural, harmless "blip" in your heart's rhythm, or they are caused by stress, panic or anxiety, which is the most likely cause. They are nothing to worry about. You won't have a heart attack or blood problems.

23-03-09, 23:31
Thankyou all for responding to my post... Everything is calming down a little bit now. I suppose it all does make sense when i read my post back to myself.... The doctor really didn't seem unduly worried so i guess i should be reassured by that. My GP is sick of seeing me nowadays...Thanks again for your replies. This forum keeps me going sometimes i swear x x