View Full Version : Best Distraction Ever!!!!

24-03-09, 01:52
Let me tell you that I am "King Health Anxiety". I think about my health every 33-37 seconds (number not exact). What I find helps a lot is...Video Games...yes video games. A good half hour of killing zombies or jumping on mushrooms makes everything around you disappear and your body gets a well deserved mental rest. If anyone would like some good suggestions, just send me a message with the system you have and I can help you out. I know this isn't very medical, but hey, whatever works, right?

24-03-09, 01:56
Hmmm i think ill go get my nintendo x x x

24-03-09, 02:11
now that u mention it .. when i was the reigning champion of mario kart and played so much that i had to make a thumb cast out of toilet paper to tape up my fingers .. yes i suppose i was a lot les anxious then. damn! don't have a system at the moment .. any online game suggestions?

great.. like i need one more reason to spend more time on my laptop;)

24-03-09, 03:31
Go get an X-Box 360. They have hundreds of arcade games that you can play against people all over the world (Board games like Scrabble etc) (You don't even have to leave your house and rent the arcade games!! They are right there, on your system!!!!) you can also get the hardcore games and get online with them. Waaayy too much fun. For me, the 250 bucks for the system is worth ten times that. It's therapeutic for me.

24-03-09, 04:05
omg if i get xbox will u stay up all night with me and play scrabble? that's like.. my dream ..

24-03-09, 06:09
omg if i get xbox will u stay up all night with me and play scrabble? that's like.. my dream ..

I know some people who are obsessed with this http://secondlife.com/

24-03-09, 21:25
start playing an MMorpg , that will definately keep you distracted. but is this solving the problem or just making itgo away for a while? i used to be extremely heavy into video games/mmorpgs ultima onine long time ago, and i would play for 10 hours straight easily, that shit runs your life but damn was it fun.

24-03-09, 21:31
I love guitar heros at the moment and find a good half an hour a day is great...loads of laughs and whack the volume up full pelt, Takes my mind right off any anxieties, have a sing along and rocking with the guitar...fantastic!


25-03-09, 03:37
Very true, I highly recommend getting an xbox360!

25-03-09, 08:45
You are so right!!

Anyhing that can distract us from anxiety for any period of time as got to be worth giving a go!!!

Video games are a great way of switching off from reality and can also exercise our concentration. Making it to the next level in a video game can also promote a great sense of achievment too and certain games can be great for stress-busting!!!

There are loads of things that we can do to help take our minds off anxiety, its just a case of finding something that suits you!!

25-03-09, 12:24
I find listening to music my biggest distraction