View Full Version : Tooth Abcess!

02-08-05, 20:38
I am very anxious about something!

I went to the dental hospital today because i have a very bad tooth and in the gum directly above the tooth i have an abcess and my face is starting to swell up abit.

When i went to the dental hospital today they said they are going to take the tooth out first thing in the morning but what about the abcess surely they shouldnt be taking the tooth out before treating the abcess first??

I would have thought that they would treat the abcess with antiboitics first for a week or so to clear the infection then take the tooth out i have doubts about this and i am very unsure whether they are doing the right thing i dont want to have further problems after having the tooth out tomorrow.

I have a phobia of dentists as well and i get very anxious when going to dentists but im more anxious not knowing whether they are doing the right thing.

I would appreciate some advice on this , thanks.

02-08-05, 20:57
AD - Before we all answer this please repost this on the end of your previous tooth post and not start new posts about a continuation of the same issue.

In know Nicola has asked you to do this several times before .

Toothache Anxiety!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4565)

Thank you

02-08-05, 21:50
I am sure the hospital knows what it is doing? they are much higher than any dentist. lots answered your post on the link meg just mentioned but you didnt answer any of them? hope it goes ok