View Full Version : So Sleepy, Drowsy, Light Headed Why

24-03-09, 02:35
Why? Plshelp Me. I Am Going Crazy.

24-03-09, 02:56
could you post more information?
your not crazy!
are you medication?
or antihistamines?
what time is it? did you get enough sleep last night?
are you pain? or had a migraine?

24-03-09, 02:57
did the sleepiness come on suddenly?
you won't go crazy from drowsiness and lightheaded x

24-03-09, 03:06
you ok? you can go into the chatroom if you need someone to talk to

24-03-09, 06:35
tHANK YOU very so much, i appreciate it, i am crying for help, what is wrong with me or myself. i've this problems for a long time, but still don't know why. alot of symptoms i am having, the worst is that i am always so so drowsy sleepy light headed, dizzy, giddy all the time, whole day. and when night come i can't sleep until 12am. I thought i 'v enough sleep wake up at 6am, still so so drowsy utnil now. i walk also unbalanced, drowsy, wnat to go shopping half way i turn back, too dizzy seeing croweded place. why

24-03-09, 07:48
the symptoms went on and went, now i seem to be out of breathe like so hard to take a breathe, i must breathe deeply then can breathe. why is this happening, with light heade3d, now hard to breathe.like not enough air in my lung.

24-03-09, 07:54
your symptoms sound like anxiety symptoms but u need to see a doctor first to check if everything else is okay. Anemia or low iron can cause dizziness and tiredness too. i feel lightheaded in shopping centres cause of the bright lights & it used to make me panic & need to go home.

24-03-09, 10:07
Anxiety grows out from itself. What you are doing is feeding it everyday. I`ve read all your posts; it`s like playing the same tape again and again and again. You are repeating the same things. I know why: it`s cuz you experience those things almost every day. I know what you feel, I know that everything you feel like something very serious is happening to you. But most of your symptoms are related to stress/anxiety. But you actually have NO CONFIRMED disease. Ah, your bp went out of range? So, what? Did you know that anxiety can temporarily rise your blood pressure? It happened to me many times, esp when going to the doctor to check my tension. Why should you go crazy for every single symptom you experience? Aches in your body? Anxiety. Lightheadedness? Anxiety. Nightmares? Anxiety. Tummy problems? Anxiety. Dizzyess? Anxiety. Feeling exhausted? Your mind is constantly under stress. How can you feel otherwise if you don`t relax?

You may not belive me. But ask other ppl in this forum. They know very well what I mean.
Now, What I cannot find in what you wrote so far is the way you are trying to cope with your symptoms. Why? Why don`t you spend some of your time conceiving a plan to cope with your symptoms instead of wondering why is this happening to you? If I were you, I would stop circling around my symptoms and try to find ways to cope with them: Here is the list of my symptoms, I don`t have to remind myself everyday, cuz I know em by heart. Let`s see how can I improve my life. I am sure that among your symptoms, you will find some that are definitely under your control.
And the most important thing: learn to accept. Life is not about being 100% safe. It is about accepting that something wrong might happen to everyone We are all in the same boat. In the long term, it will eventually happen to all of us. We are not immortals, and you know this very well, just that you don`t want to integrate this ideea, and learn to live with it.

24-03-09, 11:54
It could be something as simple as your diet. If you don't eat enough healthy food, your personality can suffer as much as your body. Too much sugar and caffeine cause behavioural problems along with anxiety, twitchiness, tiredness, dizziness and giddiness. Not eating enough or going too long between meals will also produce similar symtoms.

25-03-09, 03:48
But i am just wandering what am i suffering from, it panic and scared me with all of these symptoms, i am so scared esp when alone with my daughter, when suddenly i felt light headed, giddy, dizzy, or palpation. and i run to see doctor he check my bp it raise to 150/100 and he assured me that ihv high bp and the nurse scared me saying u better take antelololo or else u can get heart or stroke,l itscared me worst, i can't even walk back home adn it lasted so long. I hate it when mybp raised high, i did 24hr ABP test, result showed normal and my cardio did tet on my renal, sodium all showed normal. except my cholesterol the below a bit low.

for 2-4yrs olf my life, i have never laugh or feel happy, i am always stressed up and sick.

i hv alot of problems in life since young, stress up, now got working problem
can't wait to be stay home mum, but for now i 've to work, very stress
i feel i can't cope. i hv alot of worries, thinking all in my head, being not perfect, geting scolding frm people, so stress.I am not sure what i am
suffering from, is it anxiety, panic attack, stress or crazy?I hae
not be happy for long time, becos i have lots of disappointment
so i can't even smile or laugh, myheart aching and been crying
alot, i don't know if i am having depression or anxiety or what.I can't
even enjoy myself going to shopping (suddenly i felt giddy, dizzy
and scared or worry i may faint, i rush out to home)
when iam alonei can't even relax scared i will faint cos i
felt so dizzy.really nothing relaxes me now. i got nowhere
to feel good of myself.I have never felt this way before. even going out scared me cos i really feel so unbalanced and light headed, i can't control myself no one understand how i feel cos outwardly i am ok, so they don't know. I am having trauma in office (someone is always finding my fault, trouble and setting meup), i am so stress and avoiding this person as much as i could, then thei person will shouted at me and stress i feel so stress. could all this be my trigger ?i just want to know why i hv this symptoms> what is it?

25-03-09, 07:23
my feelings is that of funny like i cannot stand still for a long time say 3mins i feel want to blackout or i am not of control, i cannot control myself in stationery situation.If i sit in train also it make me cant' sit still must move about or run out of thep lace, why is it happening, how to stop tht?
Then i feel so sleepy drowsy and can't balnace. i got it again a while ago.
i cant sit or stand still even if the car not moving for 3mins i got to get out and walk.why is it happening like that, what is wronog with me?

25-03-09, 08:10
I know a person who lost about everything that was important in his life: house, wife, job, health, independence.
He suffers from a potentially deadly blood disease, which was confirmed by the doctors after 1 year of countless blood-tests, CT scans, MRI-s immunological tests, echo-s, neurological, psychiatrical tests and many many visits to hospitals.
He's been dizzy day and night for almost 3 yrs now, and has 1000 other symptoms: numbness, lightheadedness, trembling, blurred vision, lack of ballance, insomnia, brain zapps, headaches, nausea, constipation, head pressure... and the list is very long.
Yes, sometimes, he gets anxious. Sometimes he has Panic attacks. Yet, all these things do not affect him too much, `cuz he is determined to take his life "as is" and go on with it, come what may.
He started a business and, from time to time, he finds some time to laugh with his friends, to date women, to look for new ways to improve his life.
When he is not feeling too bad, he finds joy in doing things that he is able to do. Just looking after his little bonsai trees, or reading a book, watching a movie, or walking his dog, or even giving advices to other people in despair make his life bearable and worthy.
He doesn't think he is special in any way, or brave or something like that; he learned to cope with anxiety and with depression, and he is trying to be the best person he can be.

You know, accepting your fate doesn't mean to do nothing about your life. You can always find ways to improve, doesn't matter how bad you are feeling today. Take advantage of every good moment to do something you like. Just being a victim, and waiting for terrible things to happen to you is not very wise. Life is not about being happy, It is about the little joys that make it colourful and meaningful.

25-03-09, 23:58
I dont' know what bring my symptom. but yesterday after being so so droswsy, sleepy whole day, i reach home, sit down and i dozed off suddenly, not knowing i am sleeping, actually i slept about 10mins, waking up feeling fresh and fine. i still don't understand what is it?

26-03-09, 02:46
i am forever sleepy this i dont' understand at all, why previuosly i am not like this, now i am sleepy all day, but last night i accidentally slept abt 15mins during lunch and wake up feeling good alert and awake. then after 4hrs later i felt sleep y again. what is wrong. now this morning i wake up so drowsy sleepy lgiht headed again, i can't even move my neck or head, cos ifeel dizzy agaain, plshelp.but at night i can't sleep, unitl 2hrs tossingin bed then can sleep, and i am awaken early in the morning.

26-03-09, 06:26
just wondering...

Hi Alba, if you're located in Singapore as you have indicated, why are you using a Malaysian flag for your location?

26-03-09, 07:07
i dont' know how the flag is there, maybe i click wrongly. thanks.

26-03-09, 07:11
i don't know if i have fibromyglia, doc say all my pain could be rhemutism. i have alot of pain at my chest when i press it hurt so pain, pain on walking, pain at my neck, check, low back, so i guess could it be fibromyglia.
beside that ialso have hormone imbalance, sometimes i have bleeding until 2mths, and i took medicaiton now no more taking medicagtion, always gynae say that my womb linining is very thick, so menses come not accurate. now i have been having spotting for 1week, a bit brownish stain till few days ago, bleeding starting to flow, i am not sure to leave it or do something abt it. ia m so scared, i 've been bleeding /spotting for 13days. should i let natural flow or take medication. before that i 've yeast infection. so many prblems. i hve.
where should i start first?
the worst symtpom is every minute i am sleepy, drowsy adn light headed can't think or do things i enjoy doing.

30-03-09, 03:21
i don't know what is wrong could it be not enough sleep cos all these and body too heaty hot? eating lots of chocalates, hot stuff chiliies, spicy stuff?
and not enough sleep, every day morning, i am going crazy with dizziness, light heaed, blank, blur, eyes blur pain, brain not working, eyes not clear, cant' think, brain totally out,so sleepy. can so sleepy cos dizziness whole day?

30-03-09, 10:09
could panic attack, stress contributed to my
Adenomyosis problem,(thickening of womb lining)?now i am so scared to do D&C?

30-03-09, 10:22
you might need medication

01-04-09, 09:37
I have the same symptoms. See a good shrink!

01-04-09, 11:47
Alba, you just answered your own question, when you asked, "What is it?" You said yourself several times you are under a lot of stress, you have a lot of worries, you aren't happy, you feel life is full of disappointment . .. honey, that's where all your symptoms are coming from. I really liked Marius's response. He is very wise. Please take his advice -- I would also make a list of things in your life you CAN control, and things in your life you CAN'T. Focus on the things you CAN control and put aside the things you CAN'T. I know how important it is to have that need to KNOW FOR CERTAIN. Without that certainty, we add to our fears. You want to be 100% certain you are fine -- and at this point in your life it sounds like you have been to the doc and he/she said you are. Be thankful for that, but realize we can never be 100% certain about anything (a point Marius was making). That is out of our control and we don't like it. I am trying to live with this, too, every day and practice and practice not to let things get me rattled . .. for example, right now I have some discomfort in an area between my ribs and stomach. I can feel it when I move, but more so when I push on it -- ow!! Sure, thoughts have crept in that it must be something sinister, but it could also be something like a strained muscle from lifting my kids the wrong way or something. And, sure, I may follow my usual path of going to the doctor in a couple of days if things don't improve "for reassurance", but I also tell myself in the past year I have had many tests done. EkGs, a couple X-rays, blood tests out the wazoo, an MRI and CAT scan of my brain . .. diagnoses: "You are healthy, you are suffering from anxiety." I would imagine after all that SOMETHING would show up if something awful was wrong with me. I am going to ty and keep it together and step outside and say, "It's got to be a pulled muscle." Now, by saying it is something minor, does that mean it wlll end up something sinisiter? We like to be superstitious like that. But, thoughts don't make it so. If it is sinister, it wasn't because I said I was going to believe it wasn't. I just said that and have had the condition for a week, so my thoughts didn't make it sinister, it already was. Does that make any sense?? I try and be ok with that (not the sinister part, but the fact that my thoughts can not predict an outcome or tell me what is wrong with me for certain -- they are JUST THOUGHTS and we let them consume us and control our every movement. It would be nice if our thoughts went to med school, but they didn't, they have no idea what is wrong with us . .or really care for that matter, but yet we give them so much weight in these matters). Ah, it is tough, but it is well worth the fight if we can get on top of this and live a normal life again. ALL of your symptoms are anxiety/stress related. I want you to check out www.anxietycentre.com (http://www.anxietycentre.com) and go through the list of symptoms on there. Start there, it will reassure you. Then, once you see all your symptoms are there, as you experience them, tell yourself it is anxiety and stress causing them. Don't let your "thoughts" tell you its something that it's not. They will try and do that, but ignore them. Then, make your lists and see where you stand. You will get through this. We always want to be in control of things -- here is your chance. YOU have the control to put an end to this. I know you can do it! Please let me know how things go. Hugs, Wiskers ~

02-04-09, 10:26
today i seen doctor (my gp), suddenly my bp went again to 155/95. and he increased my anteololol to 100mg, he asked me to take 50mg, but i did not take, my cardio gave me 25mg antelolol after did 24hr bp test, result showed ok, hightest bp 145/90 (peak)owest 118/68(lowest).cardio say no high bp, but still ask me to continue taking antelolol at 25mg. but my gp doc tested last 2 weeks it went up to 159/100. today is 155/95, so he triple my bp medication, and gave me BSPIN, i am so confused and scared. confused. i feel so sick. and i am also having adenomyosis (thickening of womb linining). and been having heavy menses for 2 weeks, so he gave me "norethisterone' to take to stop my bleding. i am going crazy. what should i do? i am so sleepy, tired, dizzy, light headed forever, help me pls. i am going crazy.do i really have high bp? but my cardio check my sodium, she say ok, normal my sodium isnormal.

for my hormone imbalance, i am always having heavy bleeding , clots and pain, i am thinking of doing it in herbal natural way, any tips?

could it be my hormone imbalance, high bp no, all connected to my anxiety,
panic attack, stress? what should I do? i am sick everyday, no energy to
do housework,l or anything. my house like a junk.

03-04-09, 01:16
but i don't understand why doc(gp) keep on increasing my antelolol now to 100mg? so confusing. he gave me 50mg but i didn't take, now he gave me 100mg. my cardio check my bp ok normal, she say take 25mg can for palpation. why am i taking antellolol?

03-04-09, 07:38
what do you do or overcoe with an office bully, whwho pick on you always, confront you and make fool of you, and always attacking you, make u sick when looking or hearing the voice, how to overcome, i am so stress.there is this person bullying me always and the moment i hear her voice, it make me sick, panic anxiety. help

06-04-09, 00:50
I Am Still Dizzy Tody This Morning When I Wake Up From Sleep. I Hate This. Why? Yesterday I Am Fine. I Slept Whole Day. Tdy It Is Bad. What