View Full Version : can't get it out of my mind

24-03-09, 13:46
Hi everyone my names Keith. when I was 20 I started with ectopic beats which started me off on the obsession with my heart, brain tumour etc. I finally managed to control this some 18 moths later, although I did manage to continue to work although felt like I was going to die and so on.

Now 28 years on, approximately 4 weeks ago I woke having what I now know was an atrial fibrillation this was at 3am. I went to A&E and went to the medical assessment unit were I stayed until late morning, but by the time I saw a doctor it had gone back to normal by its self. I went back for an ECG and Echo and was told all was fine apart from I had had some ectopics, about 12 in the 24 hour period which is seemingly normal. I was given the pill in the pocket which is a tablet to take if I have another AF.

Since this episode everything has come back just like it was 28 years ago all the symptoms of anxiety and obsession with dropping down dead and my heart etc. I am really, really tired and obsessed with my pulse and constantly thinking of this flipping AF and that I will have another. this gets worse before I go tho bed due to thinking that I will wake up in AF. I am driving my wife and friends bananas.

Sorry for the long post, but does anyone have any advise or ideas. The site is brill by the way.

Keith (Warby)

26-03-09, 08:58
I'm so sad I haven't had any replies to this post. I'm moving house on saturday (28 March) so will be without internet for approximately a week. My wife is away tuesday night and I'm worried sick about being on my own. All the sympoms I used to get with anxiety are back and I'm struggling to get through it all. The AF is only the fuel for my anxiety and although my hearts been given the all clear I'm still thing I'm going to drop down dead with a heart attack, I also get the odd ectopic, feel dizzy a lot and get one sided numbness on the right side, oh and my chest feels like its fluttering all the time although my pulse seems to be very regular, but it can go down to 50 when I'm resting and went down to 43 overnight when I had my 24 hour ECG which did not seem to bother the consultant.

I don't know if I've posted this in the wrong section? Can someone help please.