View Full Version : symptoms

24-03-09, 15:11
hi my anxciety started with a back pain and feeling unwell in september 08 they said itwas a viral infection and gave me antibiotics which never helped it came back a month later so i returned back to the doctors again getting antibiotics they never helped anyway it came back in january this year and it lead me to how i am now a state. ive had bloodtests done x rays scans everything and they still dont know what it is. now im on mirzapine which helps me sleep but i still feel ill and have a back pain but now always totally nervous shaking, feeling sick muscle twitches lump in thoat needing to go to the loo all the time cant belive this is all to do with anxiety and depression.
has anyone one else felt psycially ill with anxiety

24-03-09, 15:27
Hi Emma
Yes i understand how your feeling hun i sympathise with you. I think a lot of people here feel the same as you and sometimes feel generally unwell a lot of the time. My anxiety/panics came back about 15 months ago after a viral infection and it let me feeling tired, nauseous, and i dont seem to have been without a cold or viral infection on and off since. I was told when your suffering from anx/pa/depression that your immune system gets low and so you tend to pick up all the bugs around that little bit easier. Do you suffer from ibs...irritable bowel syndrome, just that you say you need to run to lthe loo a lot.
You'll get a lot of support and help from the people here because they understand how you feel so you neednt feel as if your alone.
Hope you start to feel better soon.
Take care

24-03-09, 15:41
thanks that helps i was shopping with my mum to day and had to come home beacause i felt so ill i hate this

24-03-09, 15:56
It really sucks i know hun, i can be feeling ok and then do some housework or go shopping and out of the blue i can start to feel really weak and generally unwell and i have to go and sit or lie down. It frustrates me because i was so full of energy just over a year ago.
I just keep thinking it wont last forever it will go away again, and i know it will...its just getting on with things until it does. Dont give up hun.:)

24-03-09, 17:16
what meds are you taking are they for anxiety or depression

24-03-09, 17:25
now im on mirzapine which helps me sleep
Anxiety and fear will stop you sleeping properly. Your body thinks it's under threat and you go into fight or flight mode. You are not in any danger.

i still feel ill and have a back pain but now always totally nervous shaking, feeling sick muscle twitches lump in thoat needing to go to the loo all the time cant belive this is all to do with anxiety and depression.
Actually, I hope it takes some weight off you to know that all of those symptoms describe anxiety perfectly. Anxiety is also why you feel so ill you have to go home. Next time, instead of going home, just go somewhere quiet and sit for a few minutes.

You aren't physically ill, it's just that you are so scared and wound up that your mind is fooling your body by creating symptoms. It's a totally normal reaction and, while frightening and distressing, it cannot hurt you.

24-03-09, 17:38
Thanks That Puts My Mind At Ease A Little

24-03-09, 18:02
Hi there, I have only just joined because of my anxiety/panic attacks and it is frightening. I can be alright one minute,then get all anxious, get butterflies in my stomach, have to go to the loo and then feel sick. I can then start to feel shaky and end up shaking like a jelly which can last for some time, then I feel really tired. Today has been a bad day,I haven`t felt like doing anything, just felt miserable, I have been in this episode since Sunday,no appetite wondering when I will feel normal. At least we know we are not alone, although we feel it at the time. I hope you feel better soon, Nantonan

24-03-09, 18:13
thats the first thing you feel lonelyness and that no one understaands what your going through i have been taking marziapine for 8 weeksand thought they were working but then had a major panic attack which mucked up all my body again. i have alot ofsupport of my fmily but sometimes feel sorry for them having to put up with me. all we can all do is try ad help each other as much as possible till we all come out at the other end. i think the worse thing that this site shows you is that it takes long time and alot of effort so as long as we get through one day at time however tough it is we should be fine. as for symptoms if you read on the site the symptoms very differentfrom one person to the next. they all ae horrible and when you try and tell your doctor about them they dont really seem to care just put them under the anxiety umberella.anyway your be fine just like i will evenutally wish you all the best!:hugs: