View Full Version : Judder!! A symptom thats hard to describe!!!

24-03-09, 15:27
Hello Peeps!
Hope you all having a fairly decent day!!
I have this symptom that i find extremley hard to describe but i'm going to try my very best, in the hope that someone out there can reassure me.

Anxiety getting bad again.
Lots of minor stresses going off in my life at the moment (which obviously for an anxiety sufferer seem huge some days).
Currently a week and half into takin Sertraline 20mg
Been getting headaches for about a month (unusual for me)
Dizziness (not unusual for me)
Diziness even when i lay down (which is quite unusual for me)

My main symptom is this sort of juddering in my head! Its as if my head switches off for a brief second and i jump out of my skin. Other people notice when i do this and seem concerned. Its also as if my whole body actually stops working for a second, my heart aswell, but i feel the affect in my head. I'v beem experiencing this for about three weeks but i think i have experienced something similiar before.

Does anybody else get this?? its really worrying me :weep:

25-03-09, 09:22
Oh i am very worried now! this post as had 23 views but no one appears to have experienced this symptom. I think i will have to mention this to my GP!

25-03-09, 09:32
Hi hun,

I'm afraid I haven't had this symptom, but my mum has something similar. When she's lying down to go to sleep and is half asleep/half awake she hears a HUGE noise that completely startles her and makes her heart race, blood rush through her body etc. She says it's very scary and happens almost every night but there are no other symptoms.

One day I came across this (the name makes it sound scary but I think it's quite normal) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome

It sounds to me as if you're getting a rush of adrenaline for no reason, when you're relaxing. Talk to your doctor about it but I have a feeling they'll put it down to anxiety, like they do with everything! I think they'd probably be right to do so, in which case you'll just have to look further at anxiety treatments. Good luck with this hun xxxx

25-03-09, 10:29
I have this too when I`m half asleep. It`s a bit scarry, but not a dramma. Ive had this for 20 yrs or so, and it`s worse when I am drinking too much coffee.

25-03-09, 12:22
Thanks Guys!
I will have to check out that link about exploding heads! lol:roflmao:

I do actually get this when i'm dropping off but i have now started getting it when i am awake and going about my usual business!! :mad:

I have actually started drinking coffee again so this could well be another factor!!!:blush:

I'm still worried but i will see how i go!!! thanks again!!! xxx:D

P.S I came off fluoxetine about three weeks ago so i'v just thought it could be a withdrawal symptom!!!!

25-03-09, 12:24
I have had this I think if it is the same thing..

Like when I am drowsy,relaxing or half sleeping and I'll jump right awake after feeling like I got shook or heard a bang in my head. Sometimes I have been so convinved I heard a gunshot or bomb or something I'll go downstairs or look out window or something. It's freaky as hell and sometimes I'll get a headache after it.

Sometimes I have had the same thing in that I wake up because I've felt something hit me.

25-03-09, 16:47
this is what used to happen to me- not sure if it's similar..

it felt like my body would shut down for a moment. like my heart would stop, and my brain would stop.. and and it would stay that way for a few seconds. i learned to sort of stop the sensation. it used to terrify me before i realized it was anxiety.

26-03-09, 15:19
Thats just how it is for me Just banana's!

I go into shut down for a second or two then i jump as i jolt back to life! Its definitley a new one on me and i hope it is just another anxiety symptom!!

I'm frightened that its another symptom of CJD or a brain tumour but i am refraining from googling as i just know it will make me worse.

26-03-09, 16:22
This is the same thing has been happening to me off and on for the last 6 months or more.
It scare the s*** out of me.
I can be starting to relax to go to sleep (rare thing relaxing) and i cant remember dropping off to sleep but i must nod off and i wake with such a jolt! i really jump and my heart is going ninety to the dozen and i feel like ive stopped breathing.
It takes me a while to calm down sometimes and other times minutes and i drop off to sleep again...sooo scary when it happens. Ive mentioned it to the dr and he said its more likely to be caused by anxiety, as it only happens when im really stressed...which i am at the moment about work.
I posted myself a little while ago, maybe the replies i got might help you too. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=41916&highlight=i+dread+night+times+now
Hope things settle down for you again